Eiza González rompe en llanto ante critique

Eiza González shared a strange moment with his fans through Instagram, in reconciling the emotional moments that he has lived up to the criticisms only about his work, both in his physical aspect and in the form he sees from the farandula.

We are not faring, we are people and we are traumas

In the video, Eiza, with a grid conveyed, vox recorded for moments and with the lorosos ojos, detached the personal dilemmas he had experienced the pressures by no ser lo sufficiently “chingona” how to mark the parameters and comma of equal shape if affected by the critiques of the most recent and more precise.

“If it’s in the critiques, then what’s the point”, Eiza expresses to comment on his perspective on how these juices have been created that will be sufficient to complain to the demas and in particular, to the most specialized communication media maintenance.

“I’ve been watching a lot of videos of some of my traumas, comparisons and I have a lot of sadness. I have always thought that I have thought that I do not know how to use this type of theme, because it is vulnerable to have enough of the good or the thing that is a public figure that has all the control, and the reality is that it is not true, we all have our traumas ”.

González, who has been added to the list of Mexicans and Latinos active in foreign projects in Hollywood in the last few years, recount the importance of pondering over the month themes related to emotions and how the words will generate negative impacts.

“We are not faring, we are people and we are traumas. I have a very negative mentality in being vulnerable, I always feel that through my mistakes I feel sorry for myself and I do not feel it. If I did not succeed in working, I had serious problems with my self-esteem, with my security as a person ”.

Eiza debuted 15 years ago on television and worked on the Mexican version “Lola… erase una vez”, inspired by the successful “Floricienta” pass, while admitting that it was well received and that there were first professional steps, too. is the detonant for each of its decisions, relationships and physical and emotional changes is subject to a serious public scrutiny.

“Everything I saw was what the TVNotas magazine or the Ventaneando magazine thought and felt that it was called and because of this the perception of someone who was not. If you have any emotions you are not good enough. We are not faring, we are people and we are traumas. I have a very negative mentality in being vulnerable, I always feel that through my mistakes I feel sorry for myself and I do not feel it. If I did not succeed in working, I had serious problems with my self-esteem, with my security as a person ”.

