Eiza González enamora con traj de conejita

Eiza González ha mantenido a sus fans con la boca abierta, primero porque hace un par de días apérión con un body body emulando elembace del nufu parfuum de Lous Vuitton, with the day to see its curved curves of something that gave it the idea of ​​being an arena and that it sang more than one.

But now, la Mexican actress decidió usar un disfraz de coneja, mot motiv de las pascuas y es que en Estados Unidos es una festividad en la que la familie suonder esconder hoevos de chocolate para luego encontrarlos, y aunque en México no es una une celebración popular, en el pais del norte is very related to the Easter egg hunt.

Read more: Eiza González the Mexican first in the image of a perfume by Louis Vuitton

This character is the one who is dedicated to choosing the chocolate horses for the other encounters, at least I say the relations, and it is because of this, that he is an honorable character, conejita to wish as fans a happy festivities.

About all because, although Eiza González commenced his career in Mexico with the telenovelaLola, erase a vez“Some years ago we decided to start the world of novels and post by the conquest of the Hollywood cinema, because the United States has forged a career step by step.

So much so that we have seen Eiza Gónzalez in productions like “Godzilla vs.. Kong“O”Descuida, yo te cuido“His most recent productions in which he participated also sang, and it is hoped that inside will be a protagonist inside the seventh species.

And it’s the talent of Eiza González that has been added to more than one, so much so that the rumor that the series has been filmed to interpret Hawkgirl, a heroin of the world of Dc Comics, and even though it was treated to the brunt of “April Fools”, which is a festival in the United States that takes place in the days of the ignorant in Mexico, the fans start to say that it is worth it.

About everything because he had months to live with Eiza González with the world of the super heroes and variants considered the actress of “Del crepúsculo al amanecer“It’s enough talent for life to have a protagonist like it’s a heroin, and that the Mexican has demonstrated to be high for action papers.

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And although Diza Eiza González is a chic rudder, we still see her versatility as with the tierno traje of conejita with what appeared in her Instagram stories, image that sin duda has encountered fans of the actress of “Baby: the apprentice of the crime”.

Eiza González enamora con traj de conejita PHOTO: INSTAGRAM

Eiza González is encasillada por ser latina

In a recent interview that Eiza González offer for The opinion, habló of that sr latin in the industry estadounidense is casi sure that she always van a encasillar, pero that she has logrado that her characters do not encounter in the stereotype of a female latin, sino that she has incursed in the world of the action and so it gave a little more margin of action.

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