Efraín Álvarez avoids controversy over playing in Mexico or the United States

Efraín Álvarez is the novelty and the player who captures the reflectors in the turn of the Mexican selection for Europe. The juvenile of 18 years received the surprise of the famous Tata Martino for the ante games Gales y Costa Rica of this FIFA Fecha and he has a lot of controversy over his dual nationality and is dedicated to enjoying his moment.

Here is the statement in an interview with Aztec TV, where Efra did not enter details about what Selection le gustaría jugar más y dejó todo al tiempo.

“I do not want to talk about this topic right now. I’m very content here, if Gods and my family also know what we are and with the time we hope they. I’m tired “.

Prohibition of probes, one question after another, Álvarez to start talking about Mexico, of his sueño de jugar para el Tricolor and the one he was talking to Gerardo Martino in these days over the old continent.

I would like to be here, I would like to have an option from Tata and show me my day and day. I’m like a Spaniard and I’m talking to him that I’ll learn a lot from this opportunity and that disfrute. I wish I could ask, I would agree with the group I would say and I would have the probability of asking. “

“Since the jugadores are calling me and I’m hiccuping me at home. I’m very happy”

Ephraim, Subcampeón del Mundo Sub 17 in 2019, dijo que no import en qué Selection lo llamen, he will always be content to punch the t-shirt of Mexico.

Con la Selección a donde sea, hasta con la 20 es un orgullo vestir la playera de la Selección, with the mayor on the 23rd, is the maximum. One Olympic series will be very good and there will be a World Cup, good, to put the Chinese skin “.

Mexican frogs and elephants in Los angeles, now he has no choice but to defend what he is going to defend and including his fathers also ayudan to no meterle pressure, to make love through his travels aztec.

My dad didn’t give me any pressure or anything. I’m not touching the theme, they always tell me where I want to go. Pero sí, el Mundial Sub 17 te pone la piel chinita, escuchar el himno, lo disfruté mucho “.


How to play with a legend like Chicharito Hernández?

  • “It’s something that no one thinks. Chicharito is the maximum scorer of the Selection, all admirers, are ‘Chichadios’. He is a very good person, very noble”.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic habló maravillas de ti ¿Cómo no perder el piso?

  • “Mis papás me ayudan mucho en eso. Con humildad, sin perder el piso puedes llegar lejos. Si pierdes el piso te desconcentras. Yo no soy nadie, si un día sigo creciendo yo seempre voy a ser igual”.

Do you like the possible merger League MX – MLS?

  • “The sale is good in the 2 Leagues, for mayor competency. If Mexico or the MLS, there are always 2 or 3 teams to play in the Final. I believe I will help a lot”.
