Effective treatments to treat patients with rheumatoid arthritis

rheumatoid arthritis affects the recovery of the joints and causes a painful rash that can ultimately cause the oceanic erosion and the deformity of the joints.

Dr. José Rodríguez Santiago, rheumatologist

Marcela Moreno Wilches
Agencia Latina de Noticias Medicina y Salud Pública

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition, chronic systemic disease affects the joints and has the potential to prevent internal organ inflammation. For this reason, a series of recommendations are made regarding the treatment of this painful condition of the articles.

In some cases, analgesics such as paracetamol or acetaminophen are first and foremost in steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (AINE)., Depending on the degree of inflammation. In this case, the asteroids are used for short periods as a type to be used with anti-inflammatory modules in the asteroids that can continue to be used for treatment purposes.

When it comes to modulators, the condition of the inflammation inhibits all the cytoquine inflammation that produces the immune system, while the body is attacked by the proprietary system and is used with the modular end of the inflammation.

This system is controlled by the first stage of traditional or synthetic modules that are three:

  • Methotrexate: a drug for rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Chloroquina and sulfasalazine

These three drugs have been the first modular scale of the AR alone or in combination, using both of the three, which is called triple therapy which has been used worldwide for years.

If the patient is allergic to contraindication muscle should not be used


Inhibitors of TNF due to the tumor necrosis factor are what were added when there was an incomplete response, for example, to methotrexate, used as a combination of therapy

Although it can be used biologically as monotherapy, it has proven to be more effective in combination with methotrexate.

TNF inhibitors are currently available and are known to be an option for monoclonal anticoagulants, which reduce inflammation and keep the advance of the disease to a cause of inflammatory inflammation called tumor necrosis factor (TNF). in English).

If there is a therapeutic fall in some of the five can look for alternative alternatives, then, even if the molecules are not equal, the mechanism of action is apparent, there is adequate and valid replacement for another non-tumor TNF inhibitor.

In case the therapeutic case is with both of these drugs, we should not insist on alternatives of the same group, if we need another molecular mechanism of action such as different inhibitors of control such as interleucinase inhibitors 6, modular inhibitors of cells B, between others.

“Biologists can be monoclonal or antiseptic, and they are antiseptics like their injectable substances, but not more so than through the veins, through the vein or the subcutaneous”, explained the rheumatologist.

Inhibitors of JAK

The pharmacological inhibitors of the JAK block the immune response alterated in the intestinal inflammatory flame retardant reducing inflammation and its effects

In this group we find four intracellular drugs, among them three new substances, inhibitors of JAK 1 and 2, are inhibitors of this substance which are the one that carries the message to the nucleus for producing cytoquine

“If you do not have this information to read, then the cells will not produce these destructive substances from the joints and inflammation of other joints”, indicates the specialist.

This group of its oral, parenteral, and non-parental inhibitors is considered to be a modulator of rheumatoid arthritis of the small cells, because of its small molecules that are inside the cell.

His venture is that his oral and parenteral expressions are not given intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

The specialist signal that in this case there is no need for a traditional biological modulator, so that a jump can be made to the small cells with the proposal to see if a good therapeutic response is possible without using injections.

It is a great therapeutic venture, to increase the adherence to the therapy of the patients with the condition of rheumatoid arthritis”, Recalcó el Dr. Rodríguez Santiago.

There are several variants in the market that each day offers the patient the best treatment options, for Dr. Rodríguez Santiago, during his interview with MSP it is notable that there is a greater provision for the treatment when it is injectable, for the patient to be prefer to visit the doctor and receive his injection. On the other hand, if the patient is young, there is no need to have weekly injections, it is preferable to have a lozenge, which does not require refrigeration or medical supplies, but it is fundamental to recall the importance of adherence to treatments and medical treatment.

Risk factors

In rheumatology there is no cure, but there are medicines that are used to detain the inflammatory process and have the benefit of detaining the progress of the disease.

“Within the most temporary initiation of the best therapeutic intervention clinical outcomes. When a drug that modulates the immune system is proprietary, it must be established and the immune system must be modulated, so that it is possible to present a mayor with an incidence of infections, which requires some precautions to prevent infections ”

In patients who have an inflammatory bowel disease, they have a mayor incidence of neoplasia, especially linseed oil. Sondeverbod, no hooi a reason to think that biologists or the molecular peculiarities such as treatment of large plaza son

Spontaneous remissions in rheumatoid arthritis are very common on occasion, occurring on many occasions, for this reason, always need to look for patient revision and treatment, even if it is controlled, but not cured, as not cured diabetes, and hypertension ”

“If there is a patient who has a high probability of developing neoplasia linfomas, since they are presenting all these medicines, some cases described in studies have been reported and must be part of the precautions that can be used to present pulmonary embolism and thrombus deep in the piers ”, añadió el médico.

Although some cases are due to the precautions, because it is necessary to constantly revise as the white globules, plaques, hemoglobin, because it can be specially altered with the new drugs of small molecules.

With the use of drugs to relieve the effects that produce rheumatoid arthritis, special attention should be paid to patients with other pathologies such as hypertension, diabetes or hypothyroidism, with special attention to the metabolic and esophageal endoscopy, and cardio multidisciplinary manejo.