EEUU Travel Alert Allocation to Mexico: Pity to its Citizens Heroorweging Visits to Semana Santa

The embassy issued a statement of Security and Health (Photo: Shutterstock)
The embassy issued a statement of Security and Health (Photo: Shutterstock)

La Embajada de Estados Unidos en México pidio a los ciudadanos estadounidenses herplanteer sus via ludicos hacia el pais vecino caused by a pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The city students deben heroorweg su suce no essentials in Mexico during Semana Santa vacation period debit to the sanitary emergence of COVID-19. Cases and hospitalizations are high on the part of the mayor of Mexico, ”said a statement from a communiqué.

The representation affirm that they Cases and hospitalizations of coronavirus in Mexico followed and for this reason the crosses around the world are restrained until the 21st of March.

Mientras que those who regress to the United States require to present the airline ahead of the flight of its flight, a viral with negative test results (ya sea por antigen o PCR), with a maximum of three days before the saliva of its bird. O, in its defect, a recovery recovery agent.

If you trust the travelers who lean the recommendations issued on special sites (Photo: REUTERS / Fred Prouser)
If you trust the travelers who lean the recommendations issued on special sites (Photo: REUTERS / Fred Prouser)

According to the document, the embassy is owned by women who travel, who visit specialized pages to enter travel requirements and security measures.

– Read the page of the Department of State in the departure of COVID-19 and the page of the Center for Control of Infection Prevention (CDC) Level 4 of the Health Announcement for Mexico.

– Learn the Page of International Travel Information for Mexico and the page in its entirety of Travel Recommendations for Mexico. Maintain your friends and family at home informing them of their travel plans.

– Medical Emergencies: Visit the Embassy Electronics Page on COVID-19 and the Page of the Health Control Center of Roads Travel the most up-to-date information on sanitary risks in Mexico. Ensure that your medical coverage is proportionate to the exterior or require a travel insurance specifically specified in Mexico and include medical evacuation. An illness or accident could result in the need to seek medical attention at a hospital in Mexico. The costs of private hospitals are current and regularly higher costs of water in the United States. Many places require an initial payment, effective in the first place, in order to increase the cost of giving up a patient.

-Subscribe to the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive alerts and facilitate your localization in an emergency.

– Eliminate Twitter and Facebook from the Department and the Embassy of the United States and Mexico.

– Prepare a contingency plan for emergencies.

También will also provide telephone numbers for assisting communicators in emergencies. If the stadium person finds himself in Mexico, he should call it 55-8526-2561 and is located in United States, it is necessary to call it 1-844-528-6611.

It is necessary to present a PCR test or negative antigen (Photo: EFE / Brais Lorenzo)
It is necessary to present a PCR test or negative antigen (Photo: EFE / Brais Lorenzo)

A mediados de febrero la External Relations Secretariat (SRE) of Mexico, informed that Mexican authorities are agreeing to comply with the extension of restrictions with state authorities.

“Tras revises the propaganda roll of # COVID19 and debid to which various federal entities are located in [naranja] of Semaphore Epidemiological, [México] planted [Estados Unidos] the extension, by one month, of the restrictions on land transit not essential on its common front ”, the secretariat informs about its Twitter account.

For the second time in a row, it is said that the restrictions will be enforced in the same terms that have been decommissioned since they were made one year, March 21 of this year.

Ambos países coordinates the medical sanitarias in the frontier region that will be vigilantes until 23:59 uur. March 21, 2021“, Agregó el escrito.


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