EEUU surpasses 21 million COVID-19 cases by registering 3,900 new deaths

Duc Nguyen spent a long time at the United States Memorial Center in Houston, Texas, EEUU
Duc Nguyen spent a long time at the United States Memorial Center in Houston, Texas, EEUU

United States of America this March to 21,036,174 cases confirmed 357,067 bankruptcy by covid-19, agreed with the Johns Hopkins University Independent Review.

Este balance at 20.00 local (01.00 GMT del miércoles) es de 3,936 deaths more than the moons and of 250,173 new contagios.

Although the figure of 3,936 new deaths surpasses the previous record of accidental deaths by covid-19 in the country, of 3,725, it is clear that all of them were produced in the last 24 hours.

It is possible that some of them will be registered during the last week of the week and the festival of Año Nuevo and that will be delayed in reflecting on official statistics debit to the festivities, since the last during these failures has many cases and failures of the habitat.

In any case, these March dates illustrate the severity of the rebellion that the United States lives in, many states have records of hospitalizations and experts claim that the situation is worse than the British virus virus, more contagious.

The New York state is seen as the worst hurricane in the country due to the pandemic with 38,743 deaths, followed by Texas (28,797), California (27,281), Florida (22,188) and New Jersey (19,382).

Other states with a large number of deaths in Illinois (18,562), Pennsylvania (16,536), Michigan (13,608), Massachusetts (12,734) and Georgia (11,072).

United States over the 21 million covid-19 contagios
United States over the 21 million covid-19 contagios

As for contagios, California totals 2,492,457, Texas follows 1,858,611, Florida has 1,392,123, New York has 1,048,281 and Illinois has 991,719.

The provisional balance of bankruptcy cases -357,067- surpasses the maximum number of initial estimates of the Casa Blanca, which is projected to increase the number of cases between 100,000 and 240,000 due to the pandemic.

El presidente saliente estadounidense, Donald Trump, rebajó isas estimates and is most confident that the final figure will be well between the 50,000 and 60,000 bankruptcies, although there were 110,000 deaths, a number that also surpassed that.

For its part, the Institute of Health and Medical Evaluation (IHME) of the University of Washington, in its models of prediction of the evolution of the pandemic are on the agenda of the White House, calculate that when Trump will show the proximity January 20 killed 420,000 people and by April 1 560,000.

(With EFE information)


An expert in United States vacancies anticipates that “the application will be more massive in the coming weeks”

Argentina recorded a significant increase in coronavirus cases: 13,790 new contagios and 151 deaths in the last 24 hours
