EEUU sends books to Cape Verde to prevent the escape of Alex Saab, who is trying to find out about agreements between Venezuela and Iran

The Colombian possesses information on secret agreements between Venezuela and Iran that affect the security of the United States and the region.  Photo: Archivo Infobae
The Colombian possesses information on secret agreements between Venezuela and Iran that affect the security of the United States and the region. Photo: Archivo Infobae

Alex Saab Morán, who was signaling to testify of Nicolás Maduro, also admits money and money that Habria robbed the regime in Venezuela, following the authorities, tendría information deurslaggewende about supuestos agreed agreements between the Maduro regime with Iran, Turkey and hasta with Russia that directly affect the security of the United States and the region.

This is a periodical information El Tiempo, die burgemeester circulación en Colombia, donde aseguraron, por information de altas fuentes federales de Estados Unidos, que por importen que acquisition Saab para ese pais, se enviaron dos buques de guerra a la isla africana to monitor the communications of that nation and to avoid the irregularity of nations such as Iran, which can cover its skin.

De hecho, in the article citan a reporter del diario estadounidense New York Times informed that the San Jacinto cruiser was located in Cape Verde on a military mission to avoid Saab’s skin.

“The San Jacinto War Buque has been moved by these coordinates. But we can confirm that another cruiser will be replaced and at the moment one more is being launched from Atlantic North ”, the manifesto the federal source a El Tiempo.

These are names, according to the Colombian periodical, is the support of European countries, friends of the United States, who are also vigilant in the zone from which Saab was captured.

“One of these countries has a water hub destined to monitor communications. Just like our cruisers, satellite satellites and technology ”, aseguró la fuente federale.

De hecho, the monitor allows the detection of an Iranian aircraft if the negligence permit is denied in the African country. The aeronautically suspended tenure of the Saab mission to Venezuela, plan to be frustrated.

Off El Tiempo agregaron that the federal authorities of the United States also buscan with these military movements prevent that a legal squadron in Cape Verde to extract or assess the Colombian for the information that poses.

United States has sent to Cape Verde the San Jacinto launch vehicle to prevent a possible escape from Alex Saab.  Photo: US Navy photo by mass communications specialist 1st class Tommy Lamkin / released.
United States has sent to Cape Verde the San Jacinto launch vehicle to prevent a possible escape from Alex Saab. Photo: US Navy photo by mass communications specialist 1st class Tommy Lamkin / released.

Saab, the Lebanese ascendant, who was born in Barranquilla (north of Colombia) and was also nationalized as a Venezuelan, was detained in Cape Verde since June 2020 because of the aeronautics on which it was traveling Iran wanted to land in these countries by combustible.

According to El Tiempo’s article, the Colombian was sent to the Netherlands to negotiate gasoline, food and medicine to meet the needs of the Maduro regime derivatives of the pandemic of the new coronavirus sars-cov-2 and by the United States block A Venezuela.

Prohibition of probes, as Saab has a circular road from Interpol to respond to various divisions in the United States and Colombia, between them the activity level, captured in Cape Verde, donde permanece in a cell of 2 metro squares.

From entonces Nicolás Maduro’s governing body has all kinds of diplomatic and judicial maneuvers to protect him from harassment. The most recent was his number as plenipotentiary of Venezuela in Africa, with the exception that Saab obtenga diplomatic munitions.

According to the article by El Tiempo, the regime of Maduro solicited in Cape Verde, by the days in which he had arrived the Iranian plane, which Saab authorized to hold the end-of-year festivities with his family in a humanitarian manner whether the domicile detention was granted by the Tribunal for the Justice of the West Africa.

It’s the Colombian import for Maduro that includes a team of lawyers, including the Spanish team Baltasar Garzón, who is working to get rid of him. They argue that the terms will be taken in the process leading up to the Cape Verde justice system, provided that the Colombian situation is defined, even though he is also a diplomat with an administration.

At the same time, the United States President-elect, Joe Biden, has announced that Saab’s case is moving between the judiciary and the military, and the Colombian strategic and geopolitical importance, as it follows on the line of judicial action to be added to Saab, including the application of mayor for African countries.

Alex Saab has been initiating his relationship with the Venezuelan regime since 2004, when he began to pursue multimillion-dollar contracts with these governors in living construction negotiations in this country, and in an era in which Colombian businessmen rule for the possible incidents of the Venezuelan governor.

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