EEUU records record of 4,000 deaths in one day by COVID-19

A health worker is reviewing a positive patient at COVID-19 within a specialized unit at the Trinitas Regional Medical Center in Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States
A health worker is reviewing a positive patient at COVID-19 within a specialized unit at the Trinitas Regional Medical Center in Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States

United States records 4,000 deadly deaths by covid-19 the Jews, a record number, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

The 3,998 deaths were recorded during the 24-hour period ended at 01H30 GMT on Wednesday, while the North American country also increased in 265,246 the number of contagious viruses, according to the university.

The previous record of deaths in a jornada was established last March, with 3,936 decesos.

The number of hospitalized people is also the highest since the beginning of the pandemic, with more than 132,000 patients, according to the coronavirus follow-up project.

The country has not registered as many new cases as in the first week of 2021.

The situation is particularly worrying in the east and east of the country.

The California authorities have released the juveniles he used in his 166 refrigerated transports to serve as temporary mortuaries in saturated hospitals.

The 3,998 deaths were recorded during the 24-hour period
The 3,998 deaths were recorded during the 24-hour period

In Los Angeles, a wall person of covid-19 every five minutes.

Despite a primary oil, which never really diminished, as of March, and a point in the boreal vernacular, United States has faced a new scourge of the epidemic lasting more than two months and a half.

After the increase in the number of new cases, the number of daily deaths has increased dramatically since mid-November, now there are systematically over 2,000 or 3,000 deaths per day (except week ends, when minor incidents).

The country, given the restrictions imposed by local authorities, is the last resort with the evacuation campaign, which began in December to overcome the epidemic.

Pero la tan esperada inmunidad collectivun aún tardará meses en materialize, advierten los expertos. It has now reached 2% of the population, and just under 6 million people have received their first injection.

In absolute numbers, United States is the most affected country by the new coronavirus, with a total of 21.5 million cases and 365,000 deaths since the onset of the pandemic.

(With AFP information)


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