EEUU records new record of daily diaries and more than 350,000 deaths by covid-19 | Univision Health News

Senator and President-elect Mitt Romney pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charge against the use of all medical equipment that he has in the country to accelerate the evacuation program against covid-19, even if only 1% of the 20 million dose that has been established for the application of the vaccine for the finals of 2020.

“The current program is lamentably backtracking to the fact that it exemplifies the most vacant vacancies: health workers and residents of wellness centers,” said a Romney statement, saying the country surpasses $ 20 million. certified certificates (the mayor of the world).

“Integral evacuation plans have not yet been developed at the federal level and sent to states such as models are incomprehensible as unverifiable”. afirma el republicano.

Although the Utah Senator acknowledged that “the rapid development of the caravan is a tribute” to the companies and organizations that developed it, criticized the length of the process and accepted some “ideas” to improve the situation.

We enroll in any professional medicine, retired or active, that is not currently involved in the provision of services. It can include veterinarians, military medics, medical students, paramedics and many others who can easily be trained to apply for vacancies. The Congress has assigned phonos to states that our professionals can be fully compensated for. ”

Romney also suggests relocating training centers in the schools and establishing a chronogram for the persons inoculated.

The initial goal established by those in charge of the evacuation program was to reach 20 million people with a first dose by the end of the year.

In the face of criticism, President Trump has tried to drive the culprit into the states, ensuring that the federal governing body has the right to evacuate the vacancies, but they are the ones used by the celebrity.
