EEUU records a new daily record with 277,000 cases of coronavirus in 24 hours

Estados Unidos records registration records of contagios por covid-19
Estados Unidos records registration records of contovios por covid-19

The United States has registered its mayor with the number of coronavirus cases in a day, with more than 277,000 infected infections.

Converted to the world’s most affected country by the pandemic, United States has marketed 20.4 million cases in general and just under 350,000 deaths.

Infections spread through the air in the last few months, leaving the country at a “critical point” while the travel routes propagated by the virus.

The main expert of the governor states on the topic, Anthony Fauci, ad dwirti pocos días despuite de Navidad que lo peor de la pandemia podría estar por llegar.

United States has failed in its efforts to monitor covid-19, with its evacuation program burdened with logistical problems and overcharged hospitals.

More than 4.2 million people in the United States have received their first vacancies, with 13 million distributed doses, but this is very much due to the loss of 20 million ammunition that promises the administration of President Donald Trump for fines from 2020.

A medical worker receives an injection with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine contrast COVID-19
A medical worker receives an injection with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine contrast COVID-19

United States commences this year the New Year over the sad umbrella of the 20 million covid-19 cases, there are rumors that global celebrations for the well-being by 2021 will greatly increase the number of coronavirus-imposed restrictions.

The world’s first economy has struggled in its efforts to control the virus, which is rapidly expanding across the country and has caused more than 346,000 deaths, the mayor national balance of bankruptcies at the global level.

The global hopes that the vacancies against covid-19 will lead to a final rapid response to the pandemic in 2021 will be felt by the United States’ slow-moving munitions program, affected by logistical problems and overcharged hospitals.

The desperate career of vacancies will dominate this year, while the coronavirus is already at least 1.8 million bankruptcy cases since its appearance in China and December 2019, according to the report made by the agency AFP with base in official figures.

The German company BioNTech communicated this year that work intensively to increase the production of its vehicle y cubrir así la escasez causada por la falta de otros immununs aprobados en Europa.

Countries like United Kingdom, Canada and United States First of all, the green light for the Pfizer-BioNTech vacancy and of these entities also authorized the munitions of the state-of-the-art company Moderna or the British Alliance between the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca.

“The current situation is not easy, there is a need to increase the number of other vacancies that are approved and we want to fill this space”, afirmó el cofundador de BioNTech, Ugur Sahin, at the seminar The mirror.

The criticisms about the slowness of the distribution of the vacancy increase in the last days.

(With AFP information)


Israel is a holiday and a month of the persona contra el coronavirus and a member of the everyday environment

Country by country: what percentage of the population has been vacated since the start of the campaign
