EEUU questioning President Haiti’s decision to support his mandate

The United States has given various points of attention to the President of Haiti, Jovenel Moise, the last of these four, questioning some of his decisions, to be one of its main international leaders in the context of the political crisis and violence that live on. el país.


There were a number of messages that were published this week on the Twitter account of the United States Embassy in Haiti questioning the mandate.

“The United States supports Haiti in its efforts to combat the security and violence of the pandillas; without embarrassment, the updated decrees of the National Intelligence and Public Security Agencies are incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy and democracy. politicians “, reads the text of this celebration.

These lines are accompanied by the image of a decree issued on the 6th of January by President Moise, which will revise the November 2020 disposition regarding the reopening of public safety in accordance with the Creation, organization and functioning of the National Agency.

Let us clarify the discrepancy of the United States with certain decisions of the Haitian President, which governs by decree of the application of the legislative elections of 2019, impeding the renovation of Parliament.

The 24-year-old United States has expressed its concern “for the creation of new state institutions, including the National Intelligence Agency, which will plant additional risks to fundamental rights and accountability”.

La víspera, el martes 23, colgaba otro mensaje pronuncandose en el mismo sentido en advirtiendo que “el Gobierno haitiano debe poner fin al actual period de Gobierno por decreto”.

“Only the work of a stable, democratic and fully representative Gobierno can address significant issues such as violence, corruption and violations of civil and human rights,” the text reads.


The pulse that mantiene Moise con the juices of pais también has side object of comment, coinciding with an indefinite huelga summoned by the collective in his encounter with the president.

A parole in response to the decision of the mandate, in violation of the Constitution, to suspend the manner in which the Judeo-Court of Trustees, maximum judicial authority of the country, to whom the Gobierno accuses of planning a Gulf of Estado and between quienes figura Joseph Mécène Jean Louis, declares Haiti ‘”interim president” by the opposition.

“United States will reaffirm its support for an independent judicial power, without executive injunctions. An effective democracy must have an independent judicial power, a Parliament that functions and an executive that protects all rights”, the embassy announced on 19 February.


The United States is one of the principal supports of Jovenel Moise in the political crisis that followed the United States, while the Organization of American States (OEA) maintained the legitimacy of its continuity until February 2022.

It also has the Moise plan to organize the 2019 legislative and presidential elections, and in the event that no candidate is elected, a referendum will be held to approve a new Constitution.

Without embargo, the opposition opposes these plans and demands that the mandate abandon the intermediate form of power in order to pass a “transition”, in view of the legitimate period in which the power expires on 7 February, jornada en la Moise denunció haber side object of the goal of golfer de Estado.
