EEUU prepares the execution of a man who ordered the assignment of three women in 1996

Washington, United States

Federal Authorities of the United States prepares this woman for her decimation and the ultimate ejaculation of a series of precedents, before the transition from power to Donald Trump and Joe Biden, which hizo campaign in favor of the abolition of the death penalty.

‘N Menus que la justicia the last minute indulgence, Dustin Higgs, a black man of 48 years, receives a lethal injection in federal penitentiary Terre-Haute de Indiana.

A black night of 1996, invites a very young girl to her apartment near Washington, DC, with her friends. One of the chicas returns his advances, ante lo cual él se ofreció a llevarlas a casa, pero en lugar de ello se detuvo en un terreno federal aislado.

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Alli, according to the Department of Justice, ordered one of his friends to dispose of the three women.

In 2000, death was condemned to death and custody. The author of the disappearances was condensed into a perpetual path.

“The arbitration and injustice cast on Sr. Higgs more than the assassin,” said his attorney, Shawn Nolan, in a solicitation of Trump’s clemency in the December finals.

Pero the President of the Republic, defense attorney for the death penalty, no action. On the other hand, its administration is acting before the judiciary in order to prosecute before the eviction of those who abandon Casa Blanca the next Wednesday.

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A tribunal has ordered its appeal alleging that Higgs was involved in covid-19 and that it was probable that his pulses were affected by the much-maligned illness at the time of the pentobarbital injection.

The Department of Justice appealed on a case-by-case basis.

An ultimate remedy, this is related to questions of competence, followed by a reply in the Supreme Court, which the Conservative mayor has given systematic evidence to the federal courts of the Boreal Verona.

The Republican administration reopened in July this practice suspended for 17 years, while simultaneously removing the states of all executions to prevent the spread of the virus.

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Since then, 12 people have received lethal injections in Terre-Haute included, for the first time in 70 years, a woman, who was executed on March after suffering from mental health problems.

Biden, who will be investing as the new president of the high schools, opposes the death penalty and promises to work with the Congress to abolish it at the federal level.

The Democrat congressmen will present the lunes a project of theirs to the effect that it has chances of being approved in vista that the party recovers the control of the Senate.
