EEUU pidio that respects the results of the elections in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru: “We will pursue just, free and pacific processes”

In the image, the Secretary of State for the EUEU, Antony Blinken.  EFE / Ken Cedeno / Archive
In the image, the Secretary of State for the EUEU, Antony Blinken. EFE / Ken Cedeno / Archive

The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken“I believe that the elections of this week in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru will take place”justice, books and pacifists”, Y trust that the results will be respected.

“In the name of the people of the United States, the cities of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru, an exit electoral process on April 11, who is deprived of a fair, free, accessible and pacific manner. As part of our effort to protect and defend democracies, we must recognize that free and just elections for all citizens are a step in the right direction. the free vote and you just have to be accompanied by respect for the results, the fundamental freedoms and the rendition of values ​​”, indicated in a communication.

The aggregate: “Democracy flourishes when citizens and governors actively promote equality before the law and the human rights for all., and prosperous democracy when we occupy these fundamental pillars with power and determination. The history of the United States and other regions has been demonstrated that to societies that follow a democratic path will result in very difficult recovery of lost land. To avoid being caught, all debemos are waiting for the release of our democratic institutions in support of the right of state, the freedom of the press and the good governance, and establish systems that solve problems and allow us to advance a more auspicious future ”.

“In September, 20 years will be completed when the nations of the United States will meet in Lima to sign the Inter-American Charter for Democracy, which will establish that democracy is a viable system founded on freedom and the economic, social and cultural majority of the pueblos’. This domino and its successor, we will transmit our best wishes to celebrity queens and preserve this democratic system of life”, Conclusion.

Pedro Castillo, Verónika Mendoza, Yonhy Lescano, Keiko Fujimori and Hernando de Soto, the main candidates in Peru
Pedro Castillo, Verónika Mendoza, Yonhy Lescano, Keiko Fujimori and Hernando de Soto, the main candidates in Peru

In the midst of the pandemic and the crisis, Peru and Ecuador celebrate presidential elections is domingo y Bolivia is a second world of comics to elect the governors of La Paz, Tarija, Chuquisaca and Pando.

In the case of Peru, no hay favorites for comics and no candidate outperforms the 13%, following the last polls published in the country, which since 2018 has seen four presidents.

Keiko Fujimori, hija y heredera politica del ex presidente Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000), se situo primera en intención de vote, con a windfall inside a quintuple empathic technique, following the probing probes are jueves.

As far as the Ipsos poll as of the date val saam is to attribute the first place to Fujimori with 12.9% of the valid votes, by virtue of the other decisive candidates who run the Presidency of Peru, even though there is a high rate of indecisos.

Andrés Arauz and Guillermo Lasso, the aspirants to the presidency of Ecuador
Andrés Arauz and Guillermo Lasso, the aspirants to the presidency of Ecuador

Ecuador, in change, celebrates a second rainy season between the candidate of Izquierdas Andrés Arauz -a dolphin of the ex-president Rafael Correa- and the banker of law, Guillermo Lasso.

Arauz dijo estar seguro de su victoria, llamó a sus sympatizantes a “cuidar los votes” ya “salir a la calles” esa noche para “celebrar el triunfo popular”. The young candidate, 36 years old, demonstrated that one of his plans to go to Gobierno would be to build a “new historic block”To join the social and productive forces of the country, with the aim of resolving the economic and sanitary crisis that, according to God, Lenin Moreno’s Governor will pay

For its part, Lasso hizo un llamado a la unidad nacional to overcome the crisis in the Andean country. “Ecuador needs juntos to enforce the future with a willing decision,” he said.


Total incoherence in Peru: a dozen days of presidential elections have a quintuple of technical empathy and 30% of indecisive
Andrés Arauz and Guillermo Lasso collect their latest public records of the dominoes in Ecuador
