EEUU otorga 232 million dollars per factory from the test of the covid doméstico en rápido

United States will provide $ 232 million to the company Ellume USA LLC for the production of a covid-19 domestic test that took 15 minutes to complete, including a Casa Blanca employee.

Domestic samples will be collected in December Emergency Authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States.

It is proven that having a nasal hyssop can be purchased without a prescription, can be realized at home and the result is 15 minutes after a telephone application has been processed. It has 95% accuracy.

“Can be used if the person has covid-19 syndromes and also to detect asymptomatic in order to be able to work, in school or events”, said periodicist Andy Slavitt, coronavirus Casa Blanca assessor.

In addition, the Department of Defense and Health received $ 231.8 million for Ellume, which is based in Australia, increased production of this exam.

This is the best ice julio la empresa despachara 100,000 kits tests of my Estados Unidos, dijo.

The stadium will allow Ellume USA to increase its production by the end of this year to more than 19 million. In total, this is 8.5 million seraan para el gobierno estadounidense.

“The ability to carry out rapid trials, restore contact and quarantine is a part of our national strategy and will be a vital part of containing the virus and detaining community propagation,” said Slavitt.
