EEUU – More prohibitions to join the United States

President Joe Biden reiterates the ban on entry into Brazil, Ireland, the United Kingdom and 26 other European countries in order to prevent coronavirus outbreaks.

The White House press secretary Jen Psaki indicates that South Africa has joined the debit list in the presence of a country variant.

“This is not the time to lift restrictions on international routes,” Psaki said.

The Biden Prohibition Medium, as of March, enters the country practically all of the extraterrestrial cities that have been in some of the 14 countries polled in the 14 United States Legislature.

The 26 European countries are part of the Schengen Free Zone and include Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

For its part, the maximum expert in contagious diseases of the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci says that the Biden decision was “prudent”.

“We are concerned about the mutation of the virus that was detected in South Africa,” Fauci said in an interview with CBS This Morning.

“We are examining detention. Obviously, there is a different variant, but it is noteworthy that the detection in the United Kingdom and creed that it is prudent to restrict the entry into the country of persons who are not citizens ”, added.

The statement is in effect an annulment of an order issued by Donald Trump in his last days as president.

The Trump Order coincides with instructions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to prohibit the entry of any person acting on the outside except that a negative test of COVID-19 is required in the three days prior to the removal of the fuel.

The mediation revocation was announced by Biden’s allegations, following the addition of South Africa to the list revealing the government’s statement on the mutation of the virus.

The South African variant has not been detected in the United States, but the UK has been in various states of the country. Fauci says that there is a “living reduction” in the efficiency of the vaccine regarding the new variants, but that “the vaccines that we have are sufficiently effective both for the British variant as for the South African variant”.

However, there is an indication that there is a possibility of new mutations, and that experts are developing antidotes for applications in case of need.

“We need to prepare, and we need to update the vacancies if necessary,” Fauci said. “We are taking steps in this direction to ensure that the vacancies that are currently working” are indicated.
