EEUU.- Kamala Harris installs temporarily in the guest residence of the Casa Blanca

Stay at the Blair House until you have finalized the repairs that will be carried out officially at the Naval Observatory


The United States Vice President Kamala Harris is temporarily installed at Blair House, the official residence for guests in Washington.

Harris and his wife, Doug Emhoff, hopeful in this edition that finalizes the repairs that will take place in what will be his official life, a manned job at the Naval Observatory and only four kilometers from the Casa Blanca, informs CBS .

The residence requires arrangements such as the maintenance of the fireplace and other maintenance issues, repairs that can be carried out “more easily” if the house is not occupied.

The mansion, which was built in 1893, was built in 1974 in the official residence of the Vice-President of the United States, with the anteriority of the wife of a naval operations officer. Asia, he lives with George HW Bush, Dan Quayle, Al Gore, Dick Cheney or the President, Joe Biden.

Harris, 56, has given a new impetus to his political career in the run-up to his deputy presidency. In its trayectoria, it also has the first female black general fiscal general of California in the second black state senator of the United States.

Hija de migrants, whose figure contrasts with that of Biden, more in line with the traditional ‘establishment’ of Washington, is well aware of the fact that in her otorgándole a paper was unveiled in which she aspires to be the Gobierno with more women in the history país.
