EEUU in Mexico agreed to increase frontier and sanitary cooperation, without mentioning AMLO’s demands | News Univision Politica

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and state president Joe Biden are compromising this month to increase international cooperation in migratory politics, control the coronavirus pandemic and the climatic change. at the end of the first meeting between mandated staff, which is done in a virtual way through video connection.

The mandates “agree to work together on a joint effort to address the causes of regional migration, increase migration maneuvers and disable legal measures for migration”, the communication said.

López Obrador also claims to have planned to apply to Biden for an authorization for the pharmaceutical companies distributing the vaccine in Mexico, which have a contract with 34.4 million dose of Pfizer.

The communiqué also explicitly mentions this point.

The words “agree to promote cooperation in response to the pandemic, including the majority of sanitary capacities, the exchange of information and the formulation of frontier policies”, the document states.

Gritos and insultos: passengers of commercial air raid passengers against the President of Mexico

In the run-up to the presidential meeting, House White House spokesman Jen Psaki signaled in an emotional way that Biden’s priority is to evacuate the stadiums.

“The President (Biden) has made it clear that it is central to ensuring that vacancies are accessible to all onlookers. It is our focus,” Psaki said at a press conference.

After opening the meeting, from the White House, Biden assured that “United States and Mexico are the strongest forces when they are together”.

“History is long and complicated. We always smoke the best vecinos. Without embarrassment, we advance when we cooperate and do more security when we work together, and we deal with the challenges of the frontier compartment or the control of the pandemic”, says Biden.

Biden stated that he visited Mexico in four occasions while serving as Vice President Barack Obama and recorded that he had preserved the rosary of the Virgin of Guadalupe that he had consecrated to his wife Beau when he failed in 2015, at the age of 46.

Halagos Interchange

In the wake of its second virtual meeting with a foreign leader (the first week of the week coincided with the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau), the State Attorney’s Office ensures that there is a demonstration of the importance that the United States has in relation to its people del sur.

“It’s not by accident. The importance of our relationship with Mexico and our alliance with North America are essential to all the priorities of my government,” said Biden.

For his part, López Obrador praised Biden, which plans to relocate to Mexico on a respectful and equitable basis.

“Agradezco much as tal as usted lo acaba de decir, usted quiere que haya igualdad en nuerstra relión y respeto a nuestra soberanía. Eso es muy importante”, le dijo AMLO a Biden durante el tram initial de la reunion a la que tuvieron acceso los periodicals.

AMLO recorded that the Mexican president Porfirio Díaz only said that “Mexico has the law of God and it has the United States”. The Mexican president added: “I can now speak of the same Mexico, without the presence of God and without the United States.”

The effusive exchange of halagos between both state and female thieves records the week-long variations that AMLO hopes to congratulate Biden on its electoral tribe debating the alleged electoral fraud committed by the president Donald Trump.

The state delegation participating in the virtual meeting was integrated by secretaries Tony Blinken (Estado) and Alejandro Mayorkas (National Security), national security assessor Jake Sullivan and his assistant Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, the coordinator of Rober, Fronterason and director for the Western Hemisphere Juan González.

For its part, the Mexicans were represented by the Chancellor Marcelo Ebrard, the Secretary of the Economy Tatiana Clouthier and the commissioner of the National Institute of Migration Francisco Garduño, among others.

