EEUU hace military maneuvers in India, without authorization – Asia – Internacional

La In the aseguró este viernes que trasladó a Washington su “preoccupation“after that the belly of the Armada estadounidense USS John Paul Jones executed maneuvers inside the Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE) India without the consent of New Delhi, mientras States United subrayó por su parte que staba en su derecho de realize este owner naval.

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India’s position on the UN Convention about the Derecho del Mar ‘es que the Convention does not authorize other States to carry out military maneuvers in the Exclusive Economic Zone on the continental platform, in particular those involving the use of explosive devices, without the consent of the state of rebirth “, indicates the Ministry of Exteriors in a communiqué.

(…) The Convention does not authorize other States to carry out military operations or maneuvers in the Exclusive Economic Zone

Asia, “he transmitted our preoccupation with respect to this step by our ZEE to the Governor of the EE.UU., through diplomatic channels “, concluded in the letter of declaration.

India’s claim produces dioas despots that the Septuagint’s Seventh Fleet announced the realization of its “free navigation” operations in front of the Lakshadweep Indian Archipelago.

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“The USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53) confirms the right to navigation facilities approximately 130 million nautical miles west of the Lakshadweep Islands, inside the Exclusive Economic Zone of India, without requesting India’s prior consent, compliance with International Law “, indicated in a communication.

Agreed with the fleet of the Armada norteamericana, pese a that India demands the solicitation of consent, this is “an incompatibility with the International Law”.

Esta Operation of Freedom of Navigation (FONOP) “Defend the rights, liberties and legal uses of the sea in the International Court of Justice to question the excessive maritime complaints of India”, defended the stadiums.

Assimismo assures that you are maneuvers son routinarias y regularities, y las continuarán, dijo, “como hemos hecho en el pasado y continuaremos haciéndolo en el futuro. The FONOP did not take any steps to make political statements “.


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