EEUU Commercialization of Service that Imitates the Crystal Confidence in Consumers

Advertise the Palma service in a Miami mall. Photo: Cubadebate

The United States Commercialization of a service with the number of Palma intends to confuse consumers, and entered the economic war imposed by Washington against La Habana.

This criterion, supported by observers and digital media, is supported by the recent appearance in Miami (Florida) of Palma, imitation of the crystal service, of Cuba, speech and how it reflects

The Palma creamer admits that it was inspired by the number one on sale in the Isla and favored for more than 75 years, made in Cuba since 1888.

Without embarrassment, in the midst of the differences and commercial pressures of the United States against this island, Analysts interpret the appearance as an additional intention in financial and commercial matters, known in this nation as a blockchain.

On the other hand, the difference is appreciated including its prime materials, since the Cuban Crystal was elaborated with low quality malt, and the clearest eyewitnesses, to obtain a light saber to cool, that refreshes.

Including, the Crystal received in 2007 the Medal of Gold in the International-Selection International, for its excellence and support.

World Selection, founded in 1961 in Brussels, Belgium, is an international institute of quality selections that tests all world-class consumer products for the purpose of developing a quality distinction. So, consumers can choose what they consider best.

The plant that elaborated the Crystal of Cuba, Cervecería Bucanero SA, in the eastern province of Holguín, celebrated on October 24 last 30 years.

In particular the Crystal of Cuba is the most sought after brand. Photo: Archive

The installation was inaugurated in 1990 with the name of Cervecería Mayabe. In 1997 it was converted into a mixed business between Coralsa and Cerbuco Brewery inc., And used its actual denomination.

Its portfolio has five retail markets (Cristal, Bucanero, Bucanero Max, Cacique, Mayabe, Palma Cristal and Cubanero aggregates, these are the ultimate destinations for export (including Malta Bucanero).

In particular, the Cuban Crystal is the most sought after brand, as well as by nationals as well as foreign visitors, which allow to subscribe to the Palma de Miami a plagiarism, and formula to confuse the consumer.

Advertise the Palma service in a Miami mall. Photo: Cubadebate

(With information from Latin Press)
