EEUU Approximately 400,000 Deaths by Covid-19 | Univision Health News

Elected President Joe Biden has unveiled his first economic plan to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, which alcanzará $ 1.9 trillion was included and is now checked at $ 1,400 for United States hogares.

The plan include three main areas: $ 400,000 million to accelerate the massive eviction and realization plan, $ 1 billion (trillion in English) for aid checks and federal benefits for example and another $ 440,000 million for businesses and state and local governments.

The amount of this new check for aid will be $ 1,400 for those with $ 600 recently approved, if you add up to the sum of $ 2,000 which Biden mentioned earlier. The plan will be approved by the Congress, but the Democrats will have a majority adjustment in the Cámara Alta key.

While respecting the aids by example, Biden has which rises to $ 400 semanales, from $ 300, the additional benefit which is summed up as habitually between each state has fines from September of this year. También will also extend this subsidy to people who work in the Independent Form and who have benefited from the correspondence provided for example.

The Biden message is a lie that the high schoolers register 4,000 deaths by covid-19 in the country for the second day in a row, according to Johns Hopkins University.

The president of the president Donald Trump has been strongly criticized for his vacancy distribution strategy, ya que, hasta the mercoles, of the 29 million doses of vacancies distributed throughout the country, only 10 million people have received their first dose, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
