EE.UU will test negative of COVID-19 to international passengers

The United States will require all international travelers, as well as citizens and residents of the country that want to travel abroad. a negative test of COVID-19 antes de abordar el avion, seguna informa di diario The Wall Street Journal.

[Siga nuestra cobertura sobre la pandemia del coronavirus]

The Control Centers for the Prevention of Injuries (CDC, in English) announce this Wednesday the media, according to the diary citation, and enter into force January 26.

The plague has led to weeks of discussions between federal agencies and the Casa Blanca working group against the coronavirus.

Estados Unidos needs the 27th of December and an addition to residents who by the desde el United Kingdom which presents a negative test, in response to the new cepa of the virus detected by first time in dicho país. With some exceptions, the foreign nationals of the United Kingdom may not enter the country, including a negative test, in agreement with the CDC.

[El Gobierno amplía la vacunación a todos los mayores de 65 años y personas con riesgos de salud por el coronavirus]

In this case, foreign passengers from the United Kingdom must have taken the test before taking the aircraft to the United States, and the results of the test must be presented to the airline. Those who are positive about the disease will return and return to their land, according to the CDC.

The new coronavirus virus has been detected in various states of the country, such as Colorado and Florida.

Countries like Canada it requires international passengers to have a negative test before approaching a rumored aircraft in the country. Off New Zealand, from the 18th of January all international passengers will have to take a test as soon as they arrive at the airport.

“Given the high levels of infection in many countries and the evidence of the global transmission of more transmissible variants, it is clear that the Majority of global air routes will be a critical preoccupation with the foreseeable future, and we will respond energetically to evolution” , dijo el Ministro de Respuesta al COVID-19 de Nueva Zelanda, Chris Hipkins, en un communicado.

Aerolíneas estadounidenses called on the federal governor to implement COVID-19 test requirements for foreign passengers, in order to prohibit travel.

[Alertan sobre la venta ilegal de vacunas contra el COVID-19]

Currently, the United States is banning the entry of air carriers from China, Iran, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil and the countries of the European Schengen Area, according to the CDC.

“We believe that a well-planned program centered on raising the cost of travel to the United States will promote these objectives in a much more effective way than the general restrictions on travel currently in force,” wrote Nick Calio, Executive Director of Airlines for America, in a January 4 card to Vice President Mike Pence.

More on The Wall Street Journal, Travel Weekly.
