EE.UU. presents charges of terrorist offenses against 14 Salavrucha El Salvador Marines, between these “Hollywood Diablito” | El Salvador News

Three of the pandilleros are being tested and by women the Department of State has received up to $ 20,000 in compensation for information about his parade. Meanwhile, the rest of the accused is a police custodian in El Salvador, a communal signal said.

The United States Department of Justice has issued these juvenile indictments against 14 Marat Salvatrucha officers on the MS-13 in Central Islip, in the state of New York, which directs criminal activity and the group’s violence throughout the world. about two decades.

According to a statement sent to the press, the 14 members, who form a group known in the news as Ranfla Nacional, are accused of conspiring to provide material to support terrorists, conspiring to commit acts of terrorism carried out by EE.UU. , and conspiracy to finance terrorism and drug-terrorism from El Salvador, Mexico and the territory of the United States.

Among the accused is Borromeo Enrique Henríquez, aka “Diablito de Hollywood”, who is considered the most powerful member of Ranfla Nacional, reports the report.

Borromeo Henriquez, aka “Hollywood Diabetes”. Photo / Archive

Among the 14, there were also three members who were released, according to the Justice Department, which received a $ 20,000 compensation for information that could be used to locate and arrest: Fredy Iván Jandres-Parada, aka “Lucky de Park” Y “Lacky the Park View”; César Humberto López-Larios, aka “El Grenas de Stoners” and “Oso de Stoners”; and Hugo Armando Quinteros-Mineros, aka “Flaco de Francis”.

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The other 11 defendants are being held by police custodians in El Salvador, but state authorities are signaling that there are “exploring” options for extradition to the country.

In the case of “Diablito de Hollywood”, in December 2019 this collection in the country of different legal procedures, the first 30 years of imprisonment and another for 39 months. In the stagecoaches, también, fueron sentenciados otros cabecillas por assecinatos, lavado de diner and terrorist organizations, entre otros.

Without embarrassment, “the accusations announced today (jueves) are the most serious and the most extensive against the MS-13 and its control structure of the history of EE.UU.”, afirmó the fiscal general in functions of EE .UU., Jeffrey Rosen.

“Working together with our companions on EE.UU security forces. and the colleagues of El Salvador, who presented allegations against the highest charges of the MS-13 of operating a transnational criminal organization that used terror to impress volunteers, negotiators and civilians ignorant of all EE.UU and Central America ” , aggregate.

For its part, the fiscal services of the New York District East, Seth DuCharme, recorded that the MS-13 is responsible for “a death and violence that has terrorized communities”, specifically the Long Island Region, in the eastern zone of the state of New York.

“Including encircled, the Ranfla National continues to conduct global operations of the MS-13, recruiting new members, including nines (…) and orchestrating and (creating) chaos throughout the world,” DuCharme added.

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The imputation affirms that approximately in 2002, these 14 members and other MS-13 cohorts will establish a highly organized and hierarchical command with the goal of giving practice in its decisions including being in prison.

The FBI publishes the images of suspects seeking justice and by whom women receive compensation. dezquierda a derecha: Fredy Ivan Jandres-Parada, César Humberto López-Larios y Hugo Armando Quinteros-Mineros. Photos /

Así, dirigieron actos de violencia y asesinatos in El Salvador, EE.UU. and other lands, while establishing military training camps for its members and hiccups with weapons such as rifles, grenades, pistols, launchers and improvised explosive artifacts.

Además, the Ranfla Nacional established a series of strict rules for members of the MS-13 with the aim of securing their leadership, as long as they own their power over the governor of El Salvador committing acts of violence and intimidation by salvador to the group to arrange the assignment of some of them and the effects of the forces of the order of the country.

The imputation has been produced since 2019, the EU General Prosecutor, William Barr, has created a special division to crack down on the MS-13 over the executive order of President Donald Trump in 2017 to crack down on organized crime and increase the security of the stadium population.

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