EE UU immigration: Ricardo Zúñiga, the Biden man for the Central American problem

Ricardo Zuñiga, designed for migratory themes for the Northern Triangle.
Ricardo Zuñiga, designed for migratory themes for the Northern Triangle.CORTESIA

Ricardo Zúñiga, a 52-year-old career diplomat and Honduran diplomat, is from this month the new ‘hombre fuerte’ of President Joseph Biden to the north triangle of Central America, which consists of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Ricardo Zúñiga will be framed to release the exodus of Central American decades that aspires to enter the United States and distribute the aid plan to the region announced by Biden.

Able, a connoisseur of the region and sensitive to the crisis of Human Rights in Central America, the leading diplomatic success of Zúñiga was to form part of the team that prepared in 2014 during many months the change in the policy of the United States of Cuba, and what it consumes with the historic encounter between Obama and Raúl Castro in Habana in 2016. Zúñiga is part of the team captured by the coordinator for the front on, Roberta Jacobson, who visits Mexico and Guatemala from these months to the Jews.

According to the Department of State, Zúñiga directs its efforts to “detain irregular migration” by seeking to hold regional societies accountable for “addressing the fundamental causes of migration and increasing the number of unaccompanied minors on the Estado front. Unidos ”, signaled in a communication. “También also has the function of implementing President Biden’s policy, which involves 4,000 million dollars to address the causes of immigration.” The State Department indicates that part of its work will be involved in the civil society and the private sector in the solution search.

He is one of the officials of the United States Embassy and a military unit, the Zuñiga paternal family is affiliated with the Honduras National Party, the same as the current president Juan Orlando Hernández, and one of the parties he traditionally represents. Zúñiga is not the politician and presidential candidate Ricardo Zúñiga Agustinus y sobrino of a Minister of Social Inversion during the Government of Ricardo Maduro (2002-2006).

Tras finalized his studies at the University of Virginia, the special enadado fue destined in 1993 at the consulate of EE UU in Matamoros, on the frontier between Mexico and the United States and from there passed through the embassies of countries like Spain, Brazil or Ghana . Official Law of Human Rights in the Section of Interests in La Habana and in 2012 was appointed Senior Director of Asuntos of the Occidental Hemisphere in the Council of National Security.

Según The Washington Post, during its management to log the normalization of relations with Cuba, Zúñiga was in charge of the dialogue with the civil society and the establishment of freedom of expression in Cuba to plant advances in its Cuban regime. “There are serious problems with the situation of human rights in Cuba and the death of teenagers,” commented an official quoted by the Post.

The special envoy has a front line on one line of missions, but between the so-called one problem: Honduras. The Central American country is the main expulsor of migrants moving the frontier with the United States and not thinking that the tendency could change. The economic chaos provoked by Hurricanes Eta and Iota in November, which destroys the north of the country and the industrial sector of the Valley of Sula giving hundreds of miles of indigenous people for another day, sums up the political tension. Honduras is launching an electoral march on Juan Orlando Hernandez’s corner charges with the organized crime that could complicate political stability over the last few months. The 4,000 million dollars with those who are in aid are clearly insufficient to reverse this tendency and will have to ally with Mexico to give up a market. plan Marshall for the region that has not yet met the good intentions of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Mexican sources consulted during this period admit that the package of aid to recover the region should be five times mayor, of 20,000 million dollars

Pero the North American Triangular is not a monolithic area and each country has its own particularities. The reduction in violence in El Salvador has been transformed into an important argument for the migration of the last months. In parallel, the United States tended to engage in dialogue with Nayib Bukele’s Govierno government in El Salvador on which a group of senators blamed the authoritative inputs of its management. Guatemala, for its part, is the largest exporter of unaccompanied minors, with five hundred superior numbers in its weeks, divided into a youth population, high-rise areas, strong redress in rural areas and the impact of climatic cambio that has desertified areas that antes eran fertile.

