EE.UU. design in Cuba as patron of terrorism, Revel Pompeo

(CNN) –– The Department of State of EE.UU. designed in Cuba as the Patriotic State of the Terrorist “to propose repeatedly support for acts of international terrorism to provide refugee to terrorists”, announced this Monday the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

“Cuba regresses to the list of lies that include its promise to support terrorism, as a condition for its elimination by the previous administration in 2015. On May 13, 2020, the Department of State notified the Congress that it had certified in Cuba under Section 40A (a) of the Armed Forces Export Control Act for ‘do not cooperate fully’ with the United States anti-terrorist efforts in 2019 », Pompeo details.

Pompeo claims that “for decades, the Cuban governor has been feeding, alloying and burning medical attention to assassins, bombers and paramedics, many Cuban men are suffering from hunger, stagnation and basic medicine.”

“Support for International Terrorism”, Dice United States on Cuba

cuba united states

“Cuba is also home to a wide range of fugitives from the judiciary, searched or condensed into political violence. Many people live in Cuba for decades », dijo. “In addition to supporting international terrorism, which is the basis of high action, the Cuban regime is involved in a variety of malicious behaviors throughout the region. The Cuban intelligence and security apparatus infiltrates the military and security forces of Venezuela, helping Nicolás Maduro maintain his dominion over his people, while allowing terrorist organizations to operate, ”complete Pompeo.

“Some high-level design in Cuba has sanctions that penalize persons and countries that carry out good trade with Cuba. Restrict the exterior of the United States, prohibit exports and defense sales and impose controls on the export of double-use articles “, indicated.

Cuba redesign design

Cuban Chancellor Bruno Rodríguez responded in his Twitter comment to Mike Pompeo’s announcement. The functionary wrote: «We know the hypocrite and cynic classification of Cuba as State Patrons of Terrorism, announced by EE.UU. The political opportunism of this action is reconciled by the fact that it has an honest preoccupation with the flag of terrorism on its targets ».

CNN previously announced that it would hope that the design will be published in the last days of Donald Trump’s governing body. In the December 2020 finals, a high-ranking CNN official said that Pompeo would announce the media in the following days. A second official confirmed at the time that discussions were underway. The media is one of a series of auditing initiatives that the Trump administration intends to take a toll on outside politics. You’re also a solo president of President Donald Trump, the cargo.

Currently, only three other nations are involved in the planning of state terrorism: Iran, North Korea and Syria. Sudan has recently eliminated the list as part of its agreement to normalize law with Israel.
