EE. UU. air strike launched in Syria against militias supported by Iran

The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a crowd of EE targets. UU. of Iraq.

United States has stepped up its efforts to launch an air strike in Syria against the structure relevant to the militias respaldadas por Iran, informed Reuters, in which a supporter responds to attacks with targets against EE targets. UU. of Iraq. According to the Afp agency, 17 combatants were killed during the attack.

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“Given the leadership of President Joe Biden, the military forces of the United States are carrying out the principles of this night airstrikes against the infrastructure used by militias attacked by Iran in the Syrian state,” said spokesman John Kirby in a statement. “This offensive was authorized in response to the recent attacks on the Iraqi Coalition staff and the Iraqi Continuing Personnel,” he said.

On February 15, three cohesive planes launched against Erbil’s airport in northern Iraq, one of the deadly forces at a military base meeting with coalition leaders led by the United States. The other coyotes are located in residential areas near the airport. The attack led to a death and various Iraqi and foreign warriors. It was the first time, in both cases, that an attack had been carried out on military and diplomatic installations in Iraq.

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Western military and diplomatic missions have been attacked by dozens of co-operatives and bombs since the fall of 2019, while the mayor has been in Baghdad for violence. Días después, el 22 februari, varios cohetes fueron lanzados contra la embajada de Estados Unidos en Bagdad. Two of the cohorts will be located within the perimeter of the Zona Verde denomination, a sector of Iraqi capital where the embassy and colony will be located with high security, as a communication of Iraqi security services.

And at least one of the cohorts took the seat of the Iraqi National Security, located near the state diplomatic mission, giving various vehicles, given the AFP a source of security.

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The attacks against state facilities in Iraq have been reported since the United States will launch in 2020 by the Iranian commanding officer Qasem Soleimaní a selective bomber in Baghdad, an action that has been widely criticized by Iraqi political forces.

Attacks against the Green Zone are being carried out by leading armed groups known as Washington, directly accusing Kataib Hizbulá of an Iraqi militia funded directly by Iran that EE, UU. is classified as a terrorist organization.

With information from Efe and Afp *
