Eduardo Yáñez reveals his state of health through deelen telenovela

Following his official account of Instagram, Eduardo Yáñez break the silence and turn it on health status tras haber dejado la telenovela ‘If our day‘, the version of’ Mirada de Mujer ‘that prepares Televisa. The actor, from 60 years of age, shares his feelings.

The gala of telenovelas exits such as ‘Distilando amor’, ‘Amores verdaderos’ and ‘Fuego en la sangre’, entre otras historias de la “Fábrica de Sueños”, confiesa que padeció de piedras en el riñón.

Yáñez buscó a su doctor of trust, operation and to be able to work the pusheron a catheter, without embarrassment, the regressor dollars, motive for which prefix decirle adios to the project and be professional.

El actor compares loose details.

Además, agregó que laxima semana entrar a chirófano de nuevo y que espera repair very soon, yes, the taste buds will integrate into some other television project, and there is no way to work.

It has a protagonist.

Eduardo approved to rate Televisa by thinking about it to be a protagonist of ‘Si nos dejan’, and hoped that this situation would not allow him to act as an actor in order to continue working together in the future.

The actor will be operated on.
