¿Eduardo Yañez fue infiel? surprise everyone with DURA declaration

Eduardo Yañez has a very clear explanation for it infidel and so the expression when the questioner is in his relationships has intimate themes that limit him to his partners.

“With your partner never … no, no, no … never have to, is that there is the problem of infidelity?”

“Because it’s not for the sake of the other … enthons ahí vien las infidelidades o al revés, lo que a una mujer no le da da un hombre, se lo da a otro hombre …”

Eduardo Yañez has no information … yes!

El galán de 60 jaar, being one of the most obedient men and having the vastness of his life, he had romances with black women in the spectacle. infiel some time.

“Geen. Asi te lo digo delante de todos. No me gusta ser infiel cuando estoy con una pareja”.

“It’s better, if it’s a &% $ for here, for all, but when it’s a pair I like it, I’ll feel sorry for it, it’s something I like, I’ve felt a lot better in a relationship than fiel. .. ”

Without embarrassment, he is aware of the possibility that an engagement on the part of one of his ex-partners may have been present.

“No lo sé, quizá sí, quizá no … no me he detenido a pensar eso, me han hablado de eso alguna vez, de la posibilidad, pero la verdad si me lo han hecho ya es pasado y si fue o no fue me vale ma% & / … ”

Eduardo Yañez

¿Eduardo Yañez fue infiel? surprise everyone with DURA declaration

Finally, Eduardo shared the program “Venga la Alegría” which is currently being leaked.

“The time, at the moment, the time, the situation, really, Eduardo, I’m more willing to work than to start talking about sentimental issues …”, concluded the actor.

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