Eduardo Verástegui arrests Argentina’s president and calls him ‘babysitter’

City of Mexico.

Luego de que af Argentinië approves the legalization of abortion, Eduardo Verástegui is against the President Alberto Fernández traversed by a communicator sent by his office.

The President of #Argentina @alferdez is a babysitter. Quantity coins to pay to complete your compromise death camp? ”, Start your message.

“Let it be known that the step of Judas’ traitor is to turn to Jesus for months. You are a babysitter; bridge with one of your tamaño, Alberto”.

El pasado merercoles, The Senate of Argentina approves the law that legalizes abortion until week 14 of gestation.

Passed this place, will be legal only in the cases of embarrassment by violating the risk of life for the gestante, inform the authorities of the South American countries.

The Argentine legislators what you are voting for the future of a mother, which must be the most secure place in the world, in the most insurmountable place ”, signaled Verástegui.

La Argentine model Nicole Neumann would be another celebrity who expressed his gratitude to the new media.

In addition, figures such as Julieta Venegas and Irene Azuela express in social speeches in support of the legalization of abortion, median the publication of messages with hashtags such as #QueSeaLey and #EsLey.

“Thank you very much. Thanks to feminism. Thanks for the light ”, posted on Twitter the song and Argentine actress Lali Esposito.

With information from Reform Agency
