Eduardo Verástegui also posted his Twitter profile of Donald Trump

City of Mexico.

El actor and product Eduardo Verástegui sustituyó su beeld van die perfil en Twitter por una del President Donald Trump as a master of support, once the social red is permanently suspended the personal account of the Mandatory.

El viernes, Twitter disabled Trump’s profile start the risk of inciting violence through stories of fairy tales in the Capitol and after haber published a video that repeats false accusations about electoral fraud and extortion to the agitators.

If well Verástegui, quien en diversas ocasiones se ha dicho sympatizante del Presidente, condenó los hechos voldos ocurridos in Washington DC, considered to cancel Trump in the social red as an act against the freedom of expression.

“A los haters, Twitter también tendría que cancelarles sus cuentas. Every day is inciting violence with his odor. Twitter if you go bankrupt; better sigamos así, eerciendo nuestra libertad de expressione. Haters, ya dejen de odiar tanto, el odio les va hacer daño. #AmoryPaz “, published by mexicano.

eduardo verastegui Twitter (1416x870)

Including, the también producer suggests that the application of the pajarito debería jarretel counts in favor of the interruption of the embarrassment, pues consider that promote violence.

“Following its rules, Twitter tends to cancel all the accounts that promote abortion because these are incited to the cruel violence of the care of a baby in the womb of his mother,” he wrote.

El ex integrante de Cairo ha sido un gran defensor de la familia y los provida.
