Eduardo Santamarina reveals the reason for his salute from ‘Miembros al Aire’

Eduardo Santamarina ensure that the management of ‘Miembros al Aire’ because his priority is his career as an actor.

In the program ‘De Primera Mano’, the famous comment that he compromises as interpreting the impedance to complete the Unicable program.

“I’m my actor, no conductor, because I’m not considered conductor (…) I try to make a series, a telenovela, a movie, entonces so I can send my compromises with ‘Miembros’ “, señaló.

eduardo santamarina members al aire sustitutos

Además, Santamarina accepted that he had missed a lot in the grabs of the episodes of the show for his participation in the series ‘Buscando a Frida’, produced by Telemundo.

For the rest of the project, which is the result of the project, which was integrated in April 2019, there is no evidence that its presence will be delayed sufficient audience.

“It’s a palabra de rating the vengo oyendo desde que empecé mi carrera, y es algo que yo nunca le he puesto atención porque no esta en mí; de mí depende cada día ser mejor ser humano y ser mejor actor, esa sí es mi chamba, pero el rating es tan efímero, es un número que manejan las empresas para medir, en eso no reparo ”, puntualizó.

I like the artist:

Finally, the story becomes clear that imports are small. rumors who would like to work on ‘Miembros al Aire’ because he likes working with people:

“Tantos membros que han entrado y han salido, porque lleva más aus 8 anos al aire. It always says the same, that what is sold is not tenia (rating) and entons what is inside because it is going to go down. If it’s dice, adelante ”.

We note that Eduardo Santamarina and Mauricio Mancera announced their departure from the program a few days ago, and some people have already said that Yordi Rosado y José Eduardo Derbez serian sus sustitutos.

miembros al aire yordi rosado josé eduardo derbez
