Eduardo Moreno Laparede, Sobrino de Cantinflas, murió; reportan deceso

Mexico /

Eduardo Moreno Laparede, Sobrino of Mario Moreno Cantinflas President of the Mario Moreno Foundation, wall for complications by covid, reports Jóge Ortiz de Pinero in his social speeches.

El sobrino de Mario Moreno Cantinflas was interned in a hospital the 9th of January due to complications related to covid-19, posteriorly tuvieron that performs a tracheotomy debited and his pulmonary comensaron to die.

“I would like to thank you for receiving the notice of the bankruptcy of Don Eduardo Moreno Laparade, solidarity, bondage, cariousness and unthinkable friendship. Geen hooi palabras wat die el inmenso vacío que deja su partida nie ”, writes the also first actor, Ortiz de Pinedo.

When was Eduardo Moreno Laparade?

Eduardo Moreno was Sobrino of Cantinflas and studied to be a periodist; without embarrassment, in the last few days he will chair the Mario E. Moreno Foundation, which will preserve the work of the Mexican iconic actor, Cantinflas, for which he will also promote the publication of books with which he will honor the legacy of Eduardo Moreno.

With the foundation, Moreno Laparade will help vulnerable groups and those living in margins.

