Edson Álvarez, from being bored in Ajax to be “hero” of the Dutch team in three months

Media in the Netherlands describe the Mexican as a “duel monster” and discuss its evolution in the offensive aspect

Edson Álvarez retomado the protagonism in el Ajax, team in which it has succeeded in converting to “hero” of the team that leads in the Eredivisie and finds itself in the finals of the Europa League final, instance in which wins 1-2 in Lille in the first round duel of the llave.

The Mexican crime in the second part of the time was analyzed by The Parole, periodic hollandés, que califica al canterano americanista como “héroe”, además de ser un “monstruo de duelo” debido a que se converto en el “defensibri defivoivo” del conjunto de Amsterdam, además de que distacan la evolutioni ha ha the offensive aspect.

At the beginning of the text recorded the match of the match on October 4, on which Ajax cay 0-1 in front of Groningen, in which it was the first derrota of the time, a duel in which Álvarez disputed 69 minutes and was criticized by be one of the players who has less balloon position.

Through this actuation, the Mexican lost his place in Erik ten Hag’s time, then in the Eredivisie he also scored duels in the doubles on the bench, in addition to six on occasion.

Álvarez volvoó tomar su puesto en laineación en el pasade 28 de enero en de decima novena jornada en el triunfo de 3-1 sober Willem II y desde watel cotejo, el mexicano se ha mantenido com titular en tres enfrentamientos más de la Eredivisie, in addition to the idea of ​​the finalists of the Europa League final in Lille.

The Dutch diary points out the Aztec defensive work in the team of Erik ten Hag: “In a replica selection of technically endowed players, Álvarez brings a different score. The Mexican is a duel monster, the type of player who misses Ajax ”.

For another lad, also is the crime that Edson has committed to bring to the offensive, has been converted into one of the players that aids in the Ajax, but has also provided assistance with the last four league compromises.
