Ecuador eliminated 633 traumas in one year and hopes to reach another 400 in September | Politics | Notice

With this Ecuador logarithm digitizes 95% of its victims.

Ecuador’s project eliminates as early as September an increase of 400 traumas and thus increases that 95% of these stagecoaches in the country are digitized.

This is the announcement by the Minister of Telecommunications, Andrés Michelena, during the event ‘Ecuador: a digitalized country, a modern country’, where dust is present President of the Republic, Lenín Moreno, in addition to other employees and representatives of the private sector.

Michelena indicates that currently in Ecuador the 77% of transmitters and its digital, through a joint work between the public and private sector that arrangement has one year, while the source is eliminated 633 trámiete.

Añadió que esos 633 trámites eran parte de 3900 which were catastrophed and located on the portal and that, in addition to the eliminated traumas, the 55% son of the productive sector.

Ecuador presents its policies to turn digital into

With respect, Ivan Ontaneda, Minister of Production, Exterior Trade, Inversions and Fishing, tras recognize that tramitology directly affects competitiveness, explained that these 633 traumas are eliminated tras identify in 12 talleres alrededor de 1750.

Ontaneda is also reaping the benefits of digital matter launched in the last year to ensure that by 2020 Ecuador will 17 puesto’s in the classification of digital goblins.

“In the pandemic, overcoming the problems of communication, we will close the services, we will digitize, we will adapt to this new reality”, said the Minister of External Trade, and concluded that one of the services that did not paralyze them export permits, by which time it was exported $ 15,000 million in petroleum products, which qualifies as a historical record.

Mientras, Francisco Jarrín, President of the Guayaquil Chamber of Commerce, celebrates the elimination of trammitology and expresses that in the midst of eliminating the excess of incurable traumas will take place in more competitive countries, and will allow to attract more inversion and the creation of workplaces.

Añadió que segun un estudio del World Bank del 2017, Ecuador tenia circa de 6400 trámiete and the media of 19 Latin American countries were around 2400.

“Since a year ago we have come up with ideas on what traumas or regulations impide management in order to be able to attract investment and generate work,” said Jarrín, who has no embarrassment, recalling the importance of these traits being digitalized cuáles generan valor, y que el esfuerzo no debe quedar solo en el gobierno central, sino también integrar a los municipios, a los registrradores y otros actors.

Ante esto, Michelena dijo que de los 596 property records, 392 there are interconnected. “There is a great notice for the construction sector, signed by the Council of the Judiciary to agree,” said the Minister, who gave other advances such as the license and the digital currency.

In the case of this ultimate document, signal that will be available from near mayo.

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On the other hand, Michelena results that in United States the Government logs the support of the Organization of American States (OEA) y del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) to work on a regional project led by Ecuador to create a rural telecommunications fund.

“There are 25% of the Latin American population, that is to say, 260 million people, who do not have access to any device or connectivity,” said Michelena.

While, President Moreno has also been working on digital and secure material logos, the results of which will be stored at no cost.

“The time is rich, it can dispose of this gap to be able to enjoy in family, the citizens pierden miles of hours traversed that are translated into miles of millions of losses in productivity”, afirmó el primer mandatario. (I)
