Ecuador announces import of 5 million vaccine doses against Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus

The Ministry of Health confirms the sanitary regulation agency of the country authorizing the import of the AstraZeneca vaccine, in approximately 5 million doses, which will be applied to 2.5 million Ecuadorians.  EFE / Jose Jácome / Archive
The Ministry of Health confirms the sanitary regulation agency of the country authorizing the import of the AstraZeneca vaccine, in approximately 5 million doses, which will be applied to 2.5 million Ecuadorians. EFE / Jose Jácome / Archive

The National Agency for Regulation, Control and Vigilance Sanitaria (Arcsa) of Ecuador authorizes the use and importation of five million doses of the British vaccine from AstraZeneca at the University of Oxford, in order to strengthen the plan for immunization against S2 coronavirus in the country.

The executive director of Arcsa, Mauro Falconí, told Efe that the organism he was leading, as he hiccuped with Pfizer-BioNtech, approved the vacancy of AstraZeneca and Oxford for its import.

Falconí explained that Arcsa has the “responsibility to ensure the best possible product for the population” and that it is because of this that the process of approving the British vaccine complies with “strict verification parameters”, accords also to what they require. “We can only deprive ourselves of the possibility of invading any country that houses other products that risk the population,” remarked Arcsa’s executive director.

Although no detailed reading has been published in the UK about the dose of the British vaccine, it is known that Gobierno and the company have spoken in order to concretize “the most important letter”.

Falconi explained that he had not received any application from other laboratories or pharmacists for the new vacancies, so insisting that only he was approved at the moment: Pfizer and AstraZeneca.

Note that he did not receive an application for approval for the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, which is applied in Argentina, and ensures that, if he reads this petition, he is treated with the same rigor as the one he accepted.


“We do not want to block any type of product that we want to increase in the country, both because it complies with the requirements that control and sanitation vigilance”, remarked the director of Arcsa.

The Ministry of Health, for its part, confirmed that the country’s sanitation regulation agency authorizes the import of the AstraZeneca vaccine, and approximately 5 million doses, which will be applied to 2.5 million Ecuadorians. This “will allow Ecuador to abandon the process of enforcing the law to enforce collective bargaining”, added the Ministry in a statement to ensure that the law on the status of these new vacancies, constitutes the end of what has been done al mundo ”.

Ecuador is expected to receive the third quarter of this year at an 18 million dose of vaccines against covid-19, which will serve to immunize 9 million Ecuadorians, 60% of its population.

Last week, Ecuador implemented its national evacuation plan with the summit of 8,000 doses of Pfizer for the medical staff of the “first line” of attention and geriatric centers.

The Ecuadorian governor has announced that it will invest 200 million dollars in the acquisition of vacancies against covid-19, which will be despatched by September and October.

The Ministry of Health has announced that it will purchase one of two million doses to the Pfizer-BioNtech consortium, five million to the British company AstraZeneca, four million to the Covaxx company, and another million to the Covax initiative, coordinated by the Organization ).


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