Economy of happiness and well-being

This week I topped with a book on what to ask if it was money from happiness ?. Alli quoted a quote from Henry Ford, state empress, in which he said, “I am not the empress who pays for the saddles. The companies alone between the money. It’s the customer who pays the soles ”. This very book contains a summary of the happiness medicines in the Reino de Bután donde miden no PIB, sino Felicidad Nucional Bruta. The book’s suggestion is that the PIB medium is very relative and is not enough to know if a country is rich or not. For example, the first visit appears to be that the United States has a PIB mayor, but in comparison with other countries in which the population is minor, each resident is much richer. What are we really talking about? Analyzing the indicators and medicines on the subject of happiness, a very interesting concept in the book by Luis Gallardo, founder of the World Happiness Fest and BE, the economy of happiness and well-being.

In his book he mentions that the economies of the world have lived up to the crime of inequality, the loss of diversity and the problems of climate change in our country. If the economy turns into a star of the human race, even as a reference to the Kingdom of Butane, it could generate a change. The Council of Europe has recently published that the welfare of the people has value for itself, is there a form of mediation?

Hoy se han ido dando algunos pasos hacían esa new economy del bienestar, a travers de del surgimiento de nuusas economies. In continuation, there are several examples that Luis Gallardo shares in his book.

Debajo de la gran sombrilla de la Economía del Bienestar y la felicidad se encuentran: circular economy, orange economy, and green economy. The circular economy is one that focuses on reducing, recycling and recycling prime products, components and materials. This economy is based on the desire for sustainable and sustainable development. The orange economy, of the cual he hablao in varios of my articles, is the collection of darle value, channel and formalize the creative industries like its music, arts, architecture, writing, dance, technology, etc.

Luis also mentions a new economy that, for me, is completely new, the green economy in which interconnection between people and the medium is valued. It is hoped that our economic decisions will have an impact on the ecosystem, albeit radically increasing the importance of awareness and accountability. “The Principles of the World Economy”: The principle of welfare (creating and enjoying progress and prosperity); The principle of planetary limits (save, restore and invest in nature); The principle of good governance (guided by responsible persons, resilient people and integrated institutions); The principle of justice (promote equality between generations and within them); The principle of efficiency and sufficiency (support for sustainable production and consumption) ”.

In this sense, GDP does not seem to mean that it is actually important for the new social dynamics. We need to make more emphasis on the mental health of the people, all the more so considering the situation in which the majority of citizens are facing a pandemic; en-phase in coma the impact of technology on positive and negative the health of the human being; enforces an education in which people can learn to be mentally, physically and socially, in order to be aware of the importance of wealth and happiness. While we are working to improve our economy and well-being, we must prevent a new pandemic, war, inequality, inequality and poverty.
