Early anticipation completes the $ 600 federal aid issue ahead of February finals

The Department of Home Affairs is expected to begin and complete the distribution of the $ 600 Economic Impact Payment to Puerto Rican residents by the end of February.

This is what Angel Pantoja, Hacienda’s subscriber, revealed during a live broadcast through the YouTube platform. “We will start and complete the December of $ 600 before the planar release period for 2020, which begins in February,” informs the official.

“The interest is that this December will be completed and will not be fulfilled during this period of radiation (plans) and as the IRS accepts our recommendation”, said Pantoja.

The Secretary of Hacienda, Francisco Parés Alicea, informs that his agency receives high, from the Federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS, by its seals in English), the comments on the daily borrower by Hacienda of the plan to distribute the Economic Impact Page of $ 600 to the residents of the island.

At present, staff of the local agency review the comments of the IRS, with miras to consider its possible antithesis. The money will be distributed to the citizens once the IRS approves the plan.

If it indicates that it has passed this year, it will distribute the checks of $ 1,200 per person approved by the federal governor, in order to allow up to 36 days for the IRS to approve the distribution plan. In addition, 17 days have passed since the IRS plan for the distribution of the $ 600 payments was submitted.

“While we’re having a good time, we’re reviewing the comments and we’re not going to have any major comments from vuelta,” said Pantoja. “There is no mayor’s dilation in the process of approving them. I believe that in time to come this 36-day approval period will be completed and this plan will be approved in less time ”.

Paris and its work team live on a live transmission, through social media, to get more information about the second round of the $ 600 Impact Pact.

During the transmission, which commenced after 12:00 pm on the travel channel of YouTube @haciendapuertorico, the people who had a number with the bank account distinguished that they were ten when they received the check for $ 1,200. ciar a través del enlace suri.hacienda.pr.gov. Also, respondents are sometimes asked by citizens about social media.

The $ 600 Impact Economic Impact on Citizens and their Dependents was approved in December finals as part of a federal media package to cover the wave that the COVID-19 pandemic has propelled to the United States economy and sus areas.

It is estimated that 2.8 million residents in the island benefit from these checks, including oaths. It is reported that the Federal Department of Treasury is sending $ 1,700 million to Puerto Rico for the December issue of the money to the citizens.

According to the federal law, the estimated payment will be $ 600 per person. If the person is cashed, the payment is $ 1200 per pair. In addition, we pay a fee of $ 600 for each dependent less than 17 years.

This is the second federal legislative estimate during the pandemic, since the first check consisted of $ 1,200 per person under the Ley federal CARES, signed in March 2020.
