EA: New battlefield will take full advantage of next-generation consoles

EA has long talked about a new Battlefield game being released in 2021, with a unveiling planned for spring. Today during EA’s latest financial call, the company reaffirmed this timeline, saying that the next Battlefield game will take full “advantage” from next-generation platforms. During the latest EA investor call, EA CEO Andrew Wilson confirmed that the next Battlefield game will be released on holiday this year and a unveiling is planned for spring. During the Q&A section, Wilson shared more details about the next battlefield, but it was not known.

Asked about the next Battlefield game, Wilson says he will “use the full power of next-generation platforms to ensure it’s’ exactly the game Battlefield fans want to play.”

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Wilson also says the next battlefield will be a return to “full military warfare” and will support more players than ever before. The hope is that the next Battlefield game will pave the way for the series in the future.

There is a lot of driving on the next Battlefield game. Battlefield 5 was the last game in the series that EA released, and it was back in 2018. Reception on Battlefield 5 did not live up to expectations, and regular content updates for Battlefield 5 ended in 2020.

EA has announced that it will take a long time to develop a new Battlefield title, citing a 2021 release window for the next series. During this time, EA moved its structure and moved Vince Zampella of Respawn to lead DICE LA.

See you again in the spring when EA is expected to officially unveil the next Battlefield game.

MattTM Kim is a reporter for IGN.
