Drugs and Arms for All: Daniel Ortega’s Regimens for Maintaining Opposition to Opponents

Carlos Bonilla completed his sentence on 18 January.  There was no freedom in guarding the Penitentiary system and that the two days before his release he would find 35 grams of cocaine in his room and the new trial would take place.
Carlos Bonilla completed his sentence on 18 January. There was no freedom in guarding the Penitentiary system and that the two days before his release he would find 35 grams of cocaine in his room and the new trial would take place.

If the doctor’s office is revised Julio Montenegro, alguien despistado powder concludes that it was treated by a narco abogado. It is possible to find here the clerks of more than 30 citizens, defending women, accusations of trafficking or drug possession in Nicaragua tribunals. Prohibition of probes, The doctor Montenegro is a reconciled promoter of Human Rights, and since April 2018 has been dedicated to the defense of the citizens who, for political reasons, encircle the regime of Daniel Ortega.

It is not clear that Montenegro has decided to defend narcotics, it is clear, that the Ortega regime decides to prosecute common offenders, generally for drug trafficking, to the detainees detained by opponents.

“If so, the narcotics prosecution services”, said the Montenegro lawyer, who belongs to a law organization called The Defenders of the People. “Initially it was easy to detect the detainees for political reasons. Terrorism, public services, extortionate and aggravated robberies are rampant, and the people who are standing in the barricades (barricades), among others, are being questioned. Después decidieron maquillar esto y se hizo má stiflik identifies los cases from the perspective of political crimes ”.

One of the defenders of Montenegro is Sergio Beteta. This joven was violently detained by the Police on December 21st, when a Sandinista Front flag was removed and the Nicaraguan flag was tied to the rival Avenida Universitaria de Managua. Two more days to stay being accused of “traffic jams” and “illegal possession of arms”.

Sergio Beteta was detained by the Police on December 21, when he agitated a Nicaraguan flag in a public display.  Both cases have been prosecuted for drug trafficking and illegal possession of drugs.
Sergio Beteta was detained by the Police on December 21, when he agitated a Nicaraguan flag in a public display. Both cases have been prosecuted for drug trafficking and illegal possession of drugs.

“Who is going to be able to protest with drugs and arms while he is being detained?”, Dobbelsteen Montenegro to prove the contrast. ‘Sergio always has the viola in the ballot box, supporting the opposition, uniting the party, and blending the blue and white flag. Without embarrassment, after appearing with six marijuana eyes ”.

For Pablo Cuevas, the Legal Assessor of the Permanent Commission on Human Rights (CPDH), the charges against communes against the opposing parties are threefold. The first, infuse terror between women critics the official line; second, sembrar the idea of ​​that in Nicaragua has no political precedents; and third, “Sacar of circulation to persons who have maintained some type of leadership, who have challenged the power and have been in front of the air”.

In this last proposal, the detention in the Masaya city of Benjamín Gutiérrez, known as Tikay, the 13th of January, and now has been accused of “trafficking in stupor patients and illegal possession of arms”. “Don Benjamín is a person with a well-known leadership, the creator of a common crime and even a mediocre person who will surely motivate others to share their thoughts and feelings”, double Cuevas.

For this factory of “Inverted delights” function, dobbeltsteen Cuevas, hooi una confabulation in lo que llaman “the triangle of mal ”: Police, Fiscalia and jueces.

“The Police execute captures, lieutenants hand over the clerk to the Fiscalia and accommodate in a better manner, and lie, the last slave is the juices, which have juicios of manner of semiclandestina to avoid the citizen being assisted by a confidant of his confian, admiten proofs obtained by illegal manner, botan the proofs that benefit reo and finally, to overcome the contradictions, condenan”, Describe.

The moment of the detention of Sergio Beteta in Nicaragua

Cuervas agrega una quuta pata a la silla: “Son los que gente llama sapos (sympathizers of the regime). His persons who spy on his vecinos. It is a criminal organization because it is a crime that a person spies on. They were informed by the Police ”.

Although the offense is preferred to being considered an opponent, it is narcotics, there are others in the repertoire. The CPDH has documented various cases in which it is evident that these citizens do not have committed crimes and their detention is due to political motives. Typical charges of tenure or drug trafficking, as well as robbery with force, robbery with intimidation, or tenure or illegal portion of arms ”.

The lawyer Julio Montenegro says that this type of accusation should also stigmatize the opponent, to the extent that they differ as the organization of human rights, need to make investigations to ensure that his defense is in fact a political echo.

“In all cases that we assume, we will have a study because we will have a defense within the dynamics of human rights, we will interview the families, we will publish in speeches to save them if they are not part of this civil protest”, dice.

The lawyer Julio Montenegro, of the Defenders of the People, in one of the many juices and political charges.
The lawyer Julio Montenegro, of the Defenders of the People, in one of the many juices and political charges.

This factory of offenses, coinciding with the lawyers, is particularly applicable to those who are considered “traitors”, persons who support the regime and the decisive lie of enforcers.

Among these cases, the most famous is that of Marvin Vargas, aka “El Cachorro”, considered the most important political presidency of the regime of Daniel Ortega. Until 2011 he was the leader of an organization of exiled militaries who supported Daniel Ortega. Without embarrassment, things are changing as the organization begins to make moves to advertise the Ortega benefits. In May 2011 it was held and held for five years and in the middle of the staff division.

“El Cachorro has my case for many years”, double Cuevas. “Hubo una orden de libertad (anticipada, por buena conducta, a los quuatro años) y estuvo en libertad en papeles por mes y medio, porque el penitenciario no la acató y luego se suspendi la orden de libertad. Complement the condition, six months after the release and more well accuse him of finding the drug. Although there is no doubt that the drug will be found, the trial of the trial was held because it was held against the order of the Jews. Fue condenado. Y sigue preso ”.

Marvin Vargas, aka El Cachorro, was sentenced in 2011 to five years and jail time for the stabbing offense.  Every time you log on to the endilgan new loads.  Continued in prison.
Marvin Vargas, aka El Cachorro, was sentenced in 2011 to five years and jail time for the stabbing offense. Every time you log on to the endilgan new loads. Continued in prison.

Another case similar es el de Carlos Bonilla, a statement from Juventud Sandinista that included a shock wave that reprimanded opponents. In April 2018, officialism deserted and was integrated into the protests against the Ortega regime. Captured, tortured and sentenced to 90 years in prison. Estuvo was once months preso, because in June of 2019 salia mediante the amnesty, was in exile and regressed in 2020 to celebrate the accomplices of his hija. He was detained on January 18 and was recently sentenced to one year in prison for “illegal possession of arms”.

Ontvanger Bonilla complied with his sentence, but was not released. In the days when a new indictment was issued against him, according to the cue, the two days before his release, the penitentiary system found 35 grams of cocaine in his room.

“Carlos Bonilla was involved in arbitration, completing his agreement and now a new lawsuit is being initiated. He was tortured, and the decision that the enslavement was because he was a traitor and not a miserable mercy. Le temen a su liderazgo ”, Signal Cuevas.

It is calculated that jw.org en Nicaragua currently has 108 political constituencies.

For the lawyer Julio Montenegro, it is not enough to eliminate the money that is filled by deeds that he does not commit, but that he has to do a limp in his dispatches so that he does not have enough money for those deeds that he finishes.


Marvin Vargas, the calvary of the political press who lives in the mazmorras of Daniel Ortega
