Drew Brees’ NFL injury nightmare is worse than expected, says woman

Drew Brees not only suffered 11 rib fractures and a punctured lung in his final NFL season.

The future Hall of Famer and Saints full-back also played with a torn ligament (although it is unclear if it was in his right throwing shoulder) and torn fascia (connective tissue) in his foot, his wife Brittany said in an Instagram post on Wednesday. report unveiled.

“Let me think I should not have taken epidurals while giving birth to the children,” Brittany wrote.

Brees missed four games due to injury. He threw 24 berths and intercepted six times.

The Saints were knocked out of the playoffs by Tom Brady’s Buccaneers on Sunday, and although there has been no official announcement yet, reports of the 42-year-old Brees, who is the league’s leader with 80,358 yards, with 80,358 meters retired. and joins NBC’s soccer hockey.

“After crying for a few days … I’m so grateful for this year,” Brittany wrote. ‘Your 20th in the NFL loves me. It was the hardest year of our lives, yet in some ways one of the best. ”

Brittany and Drew Brees
Brittany and Drew Brees
Getty Images

Brittany may have alluded to her husband’s cutback in June because she said, ‘I will never agree with anyone who respects the flag of the United States or our country,’ when asked about players who the national anthem kneels, in protest of police brutality. and racial injustice.

Brees’ comments came as protests swept across the country following the death of George Floyd, and it raged among professional athletes, including several of his teammates.

Brees, who criticized Colin Kaepernick in 2016 for kneeling during the national anthem, later apologized.

Brittany wrote in all capital letters on Instagram at the time: “We are the problem.”
