Drama Queen | El Diario

Lady Gaga appeared in Rome in the guise of ‘Gucci’, Ridley Scott’s closest movie, while interpreting Patrizia Reggiani’s ‘The Black Widow’ by Maurizio Gucci, the subject of fashion myth 1995, pero mientras se prepara para trabajar en la cinta, en su residenz ubicada en elar de Los Angeles, el cuidador de peros de cantante recibió un disparo y le robaron los peros de la cantante, por lo que Gaga, de 34 años live a distance of personal tragedy.

One million dollars in compensation

Agreed with a note published by the agency Associated Press, ayer the perasser de la cantante recibió un disparo y sus dos bulldogs franceses, Koij y Gustav, fueron robados. The source says that Gaga offers mid-million dollars to anyone who connects to their platforms, does not know and whoever connects the platforms can use this e-mail, [email protected], to advertise the compensation. The driver of the tracks is recovering well, given the source to AP.

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) issued a statement signaling that a man had received a robbery during a robbery in the 1500s of North Sierra Bonita Avenue in Hollywood on Wednesday night.

The victim was taken to hospital in stable condition, said LAPD. The suspense is hombre and tomo the two bulldogs franceses of the victim. The police say that the suspect used a semi-automatic pistol and used the stage in a blank seat. Continuous investigation.

From rubia to morena

Agreed with the Daily Mail British diary, the 34-year-old has been released on capital calls with a leopard suit, sun gowns, black mascarilla and chestnut rug, alienandose del rubio all our ten acostumbrados.

The neoorquina star of Italian origins, as demonstrated by her name, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, will live for less than the next month in Italy to grab the spot on the tragedy of Gucci.

The period novel Roman Messaggero makes sure that he refuses to stay in a hotel because he covines-19. For this reason, the finale was decided to breathe a sigh of relief between the Imperial Forums and the Montessori bar of the capital.

The incredible power of Gucci

Ridley Scott’s movie is based on the book Gucci’s Case: A Sensational History of Assignments, Locura, Glamor and Codicia (2000) by Sara Gay Forden. Along with Lady Gaga actuaran figures from the tales of Jeremy Irons, Al Pacino, Adam Driver and Jared Leto. The road crosses between Rome, Florence, Milan and Lake Como, located on the excellence of the Italian city.
