Dr. Fauci has just made this narrow prediction about the British COVID tribe


The discovery of a new strain of the new coronavirus in the UK in late December quickly caused panic when scientists realized it was much more contagious than the dominant strain. Even when countries around the world act to prevent it from entering their borders, some health officials, such as Anthony Fauci, Managing Director, advises against accepting precautionary measures such as travel ban, assuming the likelihood is likely that the variant is already in the US. Now, barely a week after Fauci’s theory is true, he’s another prediction of what we would expect with the British COVID tension – prospects are not so good. Read on to find out what Fauci believes will happen next with the British variant, and for an update on where the new strain has been reported so far, check out The New COVID Strain Is Now in These 5 States.

Read the original article Best life.

A group of young people wearing face masks are standing scattered in an alley.

During an interview with Newsweek published on January 6, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) said the new strain – officially known as the B.1.1.7 variant – is probably in more than just the five known states: Colorado , California, Florida, New York and Georgia. “I think it’s pretty clear that if it’s going to be places like California and New York and Colorado … it’s going to be in a number of other states soon,” he said. And for his prediction about the South African tribe, go look at Dr. Fauci Just Just This Warning About Another New COVID Strain.

A young couple sitting on a bunch wearing face masks takes distance from another person on the other side of the couch.

Not only is the variant likely to be in more than just five states, but Fauci also said Newsweek that he believes the British tribe is more prevalent among COVID patients than we realize. He said he believes it is “more widespread in the United States than we currently see it.” The reason we do not know how common the strain is is because COVID tests determine whether a patient has the virus or not, but that further genetic sequencing must be done to determine which strain of the virus the person has. gained.

“In the US, it’s a very spotty picture,” said the molecular epidemiologist Emma Hodcroft, PhD, told Vox about the country’s sequencing strategy. “Some states have really invested in order; some states have not. So for some states we probably have a good idea of ​​what’s going on. In other states we really do not have many series.” And sign up for our daily newsletter for more regular coronavirus updates.

Doctor in a protective suit taking a person's nasal swab to test for corona virus infection on the street.  Diving through the Covid-19 test center in the city.

Fauci said he did not believe the current outbreaks in many parts of the US were due to the highly communicable British variant. “We have our own problems with increasing cases,” he explained. ‘I do not think the British mutation [variant] was responsible for the considerable increase in cases in the United States, because the British variant is here, but it is not the dominant tribe in the United States. But even if it is not the dominant tribe, we still have a very steep curve of cases in our country. ‘And looking at this condition has the worst COVID outbreak for insight into where the situation is currently most dire. the usa

Scientific work in a laboratory using a pipette

Just because the British variant is not yet the dominant strain in the US does not mean that the more contagious version of the virus will not cause serious problems as the pandemic progresses. “We take it very seriously,” Fauci warned of the contagion of the variant. “If you have more transmissions, you will get more cases. If you get more cases, you get more hospitalizations. And if you get more hospitalizations, you end up getting more deaths.” And for more insight into the cases where it is increasing, look at This is how bad the COVID outbreak is in your state.
