Dos hijadas de Maradona verklaar ante la Justicia que su padre consumption “alcohol y marijuana” antes de su operation

Jana and Gianinna Maradona will testify on the grounds that they are investigating the possible liability of the doctors in the death of the ex-footballer.

Dos hijas de Diego Armando Maradona declares this year before the Justice of Argentina that his father consumption alcohol and marijuana“in the days leading up to the operation of a cerebral edema, weeks before its failure, informs the agency Telam.

Tanto Jana (24) as Gianinna (31) coincides with his testimonies that Maradona will have these substances known to the doctors and nurses who are waiting for the football player, who is now investigated by presumta mala praxis, there is the suspicion that the bankruptcy may have been avoided.

This was revealed by the lawyer Rodolfo Baqué, representative of the Dahiana Madrid hospital, one of those charged with the crime.

Según afirmó el letrado, durante la audience de este viernes Jana manifesto “lo vio fumar marijuana con Charly [Carlos Ibáñez] and that suppose it was marijuana by the olor “.

Ibáñez is a familiar lejano from Maradona’s store, Rocío Oliva, and is known for, presumably, tasting cannabis at ’10 ‘.

The doctors, in the mira

“It’s a question too [a Jana] if he had been intoxicated in Maradona, he would have been, and if (the neuropiruano Leopoldo) Luque and (the psychiatrist Agustina) Cosachov would have been intoxicated, and if he had been, he would have been, “added Baqué.

These professionals are the principals charged for the cause. Luque, who was in charge of the cerebral intervention, falsify the company of the Argentine idol to access its clinical history, according to Justice. Indeed, Cosachov has refused to certify that the world championship will be well received without fail, as constituting the offense of “ideological falsification“.

“I agree with Madrid’s advocate, both of whom have stated that Cosachov will establish a cargo of medicines in Maradona,”daba unas pastillas que no saben el nombre y que supuestamente eran para que rechazara el alcohol“.

A testimony declares that in Maradona the drug is mixed with lozenges in the serving

“Gianinna manifests that the llama pays attention to the non-existence of alcoholics in this lozenge and that only the diarrhea can not be known was the number of her lozenge that she drank”, Baqué completed.

Ultimately, the letter says that the doctors are all the same and “all the world” said that Maradona consumes alcohol and marijuana before the operation, resides in the Bonserense neighborhood of Brandsen, and that in his life of Tigre, also in Buenos Aires, should not require the operation, “hubo cero consumption of alcohol and marijuana“.

Maradona murió the Wednesday 25 November by a “oedeem agudo of secondary pulmonary to a chronic cardiac insufficiency reagudizada “, según los forenses.
