Dos fuertes sismos sacuden Antártida y la zona central de Chile

Santiago de Chile – From magnitude 7 and 5.9 seismic systems this Saturday, with 30 minutes of difference, the Antarctic and the center of Chile, respectively, and the Chilean authorities will evacuate the coastal zones of the continent healed by tsunami war.

The National Emergency Office (Onemi) explored the first time the train was parked near 19:36 pm in Puerto Rico, 210 kilometers east of the Eduardo Frei Base, which was able to carry out all kinds of scientific and thunderstorm investigations. fueron evacuated 80 people.

There have also been 40 people withdrawn from the Bernardo O’Higgins Base, managed by the Chilean Army, as well as staff from other foreign bases, and there are no registered numbers yet.

During the earthquake, the citizens of Chile received an alert message on their mobile phones as they were evacuating all the tsunami hazards and there were various panic scenes recorded throughout the country, which were found in full time festival, with miles of vacationers in the coastal areas.

Local cadences emit images of families entering the playgrounds and submitting them to the closets and parking lots in the gas tanks to fill the deposits of the cars.

The Onemi alleges that the alert was made due to a digitalisation error and that the evacuation took place only in Antarctic territory.

‘Attention. We reiterate that evacuation has not been declared for the board at the national level, only for the Antarctic Territorial Zone, ”the Interior Ministry said in a statement on Twitter.

Apenas trains three minutes after the Antarctic temple, a new magnitude 5.9 and 122.4 kilometers of depth, produced 14 kilometers east of Farellones, in the central zone of the Cordillera of the Andes.

The seismo, which is not used as destructive or violent, is felt with special intensity in Santiago, where hundreds of people abandon their lives, confounded by the erroneous message of emergence.

Since the era of the colony, Chile, of 19 million inhabitants, has reached at least 80 earthquakes, which alone in the last 60 years has caused more than 40,730 deaths.

Located in the so-called Pacific War Cordon, Chile is considered one of the most seismic landscapes on the planet and above its last great earthquake in February 2010, which was 8.8 degrees of magnitude and provoked more than 525 deaths.
