Dos fuertes sismos remecen a El Salvador durante las ultimas seis horas | El Salvador News

In accordance with the information provided by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the systems are registered with minutes of difference.

These fortified seismic vehicles sent the first hours of these fairs, both moving animals originated in front of the coast, in the central zone of El Salvador.

In accordance with the information provided by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the systems are registered with minutes of difference.

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The first magnitude of 4.7, and was recorded at 2:42 of the madrugada, two times 61 kilometers to the east of the Río Lempa embassy, ​​at a depth of 20 kilometers.

El otro sismo fue magnitude 5.6, located at 2:47 am, the epicenter was in front of the coast of La Paz, 34 km to the east of Jaltepeque ester, with a depth of 43 kilometers.

This is the last time we have been prolonged and the most violent.

Our audiences, located in the vastness and depth of the territory, reporters have noticed at least one of the movements.

According to the Directorate of Civil Protection, no “incident occurred due to the sensitive systems of this drug”.

In addition, the institution records the numbers of emergencies before any eventuality.

Less than one month ago, another seismic record was recorded during the search of the Lempa River embassy.

Saturday the 15th of January, magnitude 4.9 degrees Celsius, recorded at 11:09 am

The Marn signaled that the epicenter was near the coast of San Vicente, 42 kilometers to the south of the Lempa River.

Users in social networks tend to be sent to various departments of the country, between these Sonsonate, San Miguel, Usulután, San Salvador and Cuscatlán.
