Dos cristianos azotados af Indonesia of beer drink

Two Christian men were flagged by consume alcohol and play for money the moon in Aceh, the only province of Indonesia that applies sharia, the Islamic law.

The Christian Christians receive these lunches 40 goals each one in Banda Aceh, hoofstad de esta provincia que practica un islam conservador in Indonesia, el pais con la burgemeester muslmana del mundo.

One of them, identified by its initials JF, indicates an AFP drive eligió este casteig en lugar de un civil procére que podría haberle llevado a la carcel por un maxim de seis meses.

“Sharia policy has given us options and has been deliberately chosen sometime in the Islamic world. Nadie obliged us,” he told AFP.

The flagellation is a rarity that is practiced by non-Muslims in the northern province of Sumatra., donde dos hombres recirieron circa 80 golpen de ratan cada uno la semana pasada in Aceh, por mantener sexelaxes.

There are a number of people living in Banda Aceh on Monday. The other five eran Muslims are accused of adultery or alcohol consumption.

The defense associations of the human rights denunciations are accused of comparing the torture, while Indonesian President Joko Widodo called it wine.
