Doom 3: VR Edition Releases March 29

The blood-spattering, demon-killing classic Doom 3 finally get a VR release. The first-person shooter from id software will come to PlayStation VR on March 29 and be playable on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 (by being backwards compatible). Doem 3: VR Issue will contain both the original game and its expansions – Resurrection of Evil and The lost mission.

Doom 3 puts you in the position of a spaceflight that must fight a catastrophic invasion of aliens on the colonized planet Mars. The franchise is known for its unique blend of horror and first-person shooter elements that many try to adapt to VR. Ex-id software programmer John Carmack has a prototype of Doom 3 in VR at QuakeCon 2012 there were adjustments from fans, and Bethesda made a standalone VR game based on the 2016 Doem reload – but nothing on the scale of today’s announcement.

The new edition includes updated graphics and adds a number of features to enhance its functionality with VR headsets, such as a 180-degree quick turn to respond to demons and a wristwatch, giving the player vitality such as health, armor and ammunition.
