Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club receives an amonestación tras burlar las norms sober uso de mascarillas

Florida – The violation of the ordinance on the use of mascarillas by the Mar-a-Lago Club of President Donald Trump in his New Year’s celebration of the election an amnesty, but not a single one or another sanction.

A card at the club’s manager, Bernd Lembcke, tells the Palm Beach community that the futures violations of the Ordinance could cost $ 15,000 each in multiples.

A video of the party show showing off the 500 guests using the mascara in the test track of the minions actuaban the rapper Vanilla Ice, the cofounder of the Beach Boys Mike Love and the singer Taylor Dayne.

The Todd Bonlarron official said on the card that if the club had a mascarilla distribution among the guests, “it would have been a failure in the application of the ordinances and in this case the institute hall would have mascarillas”. Dijo that the complaint that Lembcke promises to apply the ordinance in its successive.

“His reconciliation and compromise to apply these clear lines in our visit”, he wrote.

The Palm Beach district, with 1.5 million residents, reported 90,000 cases of coronavirus and 2,000 deaths.
