Donald Trump: “Our Patriotic Movement to Make the EU a New Encounter”

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

“Our magnificent, historic and patriotic movement, Make America Great Again (Make the United States a great new city), will empower you.” In the months we have been tending much to share with you, and we hope to continue our incredible journey together to capture American greatness for all our people, ”assured Donald Trump in the communiqué issued immediately after the EU Senate controlled by the Democrats not to put the suffrage votes to the attention of the Capitol.

The Republican, aggregate that todavia has “much work for delante”. “We will soon emerge with a vision of a brilliant, radiant and limitless American future. Juntos has nothing to do with us, ”he said.

For the ex mandatario, This is another phase of the mayor’s case of the history of the EU. “No president has passed by anything, and it continues because our opponents can not owe it to the 75 million people, the mayor’s number of the history of a president and functions that we vote for only one month”.

“It’s sad that a United States political party is free to deny the state of justice, defy the order of the Order, animate the Turks, excuse the perpetrators and transform justice into a political revenge“And persevere, put on the black list, cancel and remove all persons and points of view with those who are not in agreement,” Trump said.

“I would like to send my congratulations to the millions of decent citizens, workers, respectful people, lovers of God and Patriarchy, who have valiantly supported these important principles in these very difficult and challenging times,” said the executor who had his legal team “by its inconsistent work in defense of the justice and defense of the world”, is “all the senators and members of the United States Congress that he defended with the constitution that all veneramos and the legal sagas of our country ”.

Trump’s absolution of any culprit in the assassination of the Capitol of January 6, one of the most convulsive journals of the history of the country and of which there are five people. The Republican votes of the Senate, constituted as judged in this political juice (“impeachment”), salvaged Trump and made sure that the Democrats hiccuped with enough votes to condone. Specifically, 57 senators, including Republican seats, voted in favor of Trump, while 43 he opposed, a number of leaflets to the 67 necessary votes, which requires a majority of three.


Donald Trump’s Absolute Judgment in Political Juice by Capitol
