Donald Trump orders the construction of 250 statues: Kobe Bryant, Elvis Presley and more

What do Kobe Bryant, Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash have in common? All tend to have their own statute ordered by Donald Trump.

If so, there are plans to abandon the White House, the one President of the United States, Donald Trump, a firm case for 250 constructions, hecho with the one who will fulfill his promise of a ‘Jardín de héroes estadounidenses’ antes de abandonar la presidencia.

“In summary, every individual has the choice to discover the spirit of steadfastness in adventure and challenge, excellence and adventure, courage and confidence, loyalty and love”, is read in the resolution.

“In all this nation, the faith in the grandeur and the bond of the United States has been attacked in the last months and years by an abusive anti-American extremism which seeks to dismantle history, institutions and the identity of our country. The Jardín Nacional is the United States’ response to its impending intention to drill into our heroes, values ​​and style of life.“, Trump’s sentence.

“There will be a place to stay citizens, young people and old people, can renovate their grand vision and assuming the challenge that those of each state have in my first speech before the Congress, ‘he creates in other places, creates in his future and creates, one more time, in United States’”, Finalizó.

Structure: Kobe Bryant, Elvis Presley, Whitney Houston and more than the personalities of Trump

Among the 250 statutes that the Republican constructs are diverse personalities, reconciling historical, political and deported personalities. In the list of distances numbered as Kobe Bryant, Vince Lombardi, Whitney Houston, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Louis Armstrong, Nikola Tesla, and Frank Sinatra, solo to mention some. Continuation of the complete list:

Cabe mentions that, curiously, in this list of “North American heroes” also results in a number of different personalities in the stadium, such as his Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman, British filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock and Canadian conductor Alex Trebek.
