‘Donald Trump mandate finalized’: the confusion announced online by the Department of State


A supuesto “employee discount“Modified this month by the Department of State’s website in which it is assured that President Donald Trump’s mandate expires, as he raised the confusion in the social speeches about whether the mandate should be diminished as long as his mandate, he January 20.

The section with Trump’s biography on the official website of the Department of State has replaced this paragraph with the text “the mandate of Donald J. Trump finalized on 11-01-2021 “, with a similar text in the office of the Vice President, Mike Pence.

The State Department eliminated the page shortly before 4pm local time (9pm GMT) and explained Buzzfeed News that this cambio has the side of a “discounted employee” and that it is not possible to have one hackeo external of its systems.

According to the same medium, the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has ordered an investigation into the suicid, specifically between those who are concerned or hoping to abandon this week the department as part of the transition process.

The confusion extends to the social speeches by the cambio on the website of the Department of State, with some voices speculating that the governing state will announce Trump’s candidacy, as the leader of the Democrats in Congress, Nancy Pelosi, ha instead of renouncing.

Trump’s mandate is expected to expire on January 20, when Democrat Joe Biden’s investor will take over as the new governor, while Democrats are running for vice president. Mike Pence, which envisages the 25th Amendment of the Constitution, which allows the President to be temporarily suspended with the support of the Ministerial Cabinet.

It is hoped that on March 25th the Democratic legislature will vote on a resolution pending the introduction of the 25 and 24-hour bill, as it appears unlikely, or the Congress will open its doors to a second political juvenile court.

The State Department’s head has been maligned because Pompeo did not issue a statement with a critique that was sufficiently critical of the Capitol speech last week by Trump supporters, incited by the presidential proposition.
